Adam Hadley
Adam Hadley
Faculty Research Associate, Oregon State University
確認したメール アドレス: oregonstate.edu
Creation of forest edges has a global impact on forest vertebrates
M Pfeifer, V Lefebvre, CA Peres, C Banks-Leite, OR Wearn, CJ Marsh, ...
Nature 551 (7679), 187-191, 2017
Acoustic classification of multiple simultaneous bird species: A multi-instance multi-label approach
F Briggs, B Lakshminarayanan, L Neal, XZ Fern, R Raich, SJK Hadley, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131 (6), 4640-4650, 2012
Spatial models reveal the microclimatic buffering capacity of old-growth forests
SJK Frey, AS Hadley, SL Johnson, M Schulze, JA Jones, MG Betts
Science advances 2 (4), e1501392, 2016
The effects of landscape fragmentation on pollination dynamics: absence of evidence not evidence of absence
AS Hadley, MG Betts
Biological Reviews 87 (3), 526-544, 2012
Social information trumps vegetation structure in breeding-site selection by a migrant songbird
MG Betts, AS Hadley, N Rodenhouse, JJ Nocera
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1648), 2257-2263, 2008
Extinction filters mediate the global effects of habitat fragmentation on animals
MG Betts, C Wolf, M Pfeifer, C Banks-Leite, V Arroyo-Rodríguez, ...
Science 366 (6470), 1236-1239, 2019
Tropical deforestation alters hummingbird movement patterns
AS Hadley, MG Betts
Biology letters 5 (2), 207-210, 2009
A species‐centered approach for uncovering generalities in organism responses to habitat loss and fragmentation
MG Betts, L Fahrig, AS Hadley, KE Halstead, J Bowman, WD Robinson, ...
Ecography 37 (6), 517-527, 2014
The 9th annual MLSP competition: New methods for acoustic classification of multiple simultaneous bird species in a noisy environment
F Briggs, Y Huang, R Raich, K Eftaxias, Z Lei, W Cukierski, SF Hadley, ...
2013 IEEE international workshop on machine learning for signal processing …, 2013
Corridors restore animal-mediated pollination in fragmented tropical forest landscapes
U Kormann, C Scherber, T Tscharntke, N Klein, M Larbig, JJ Valente, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1823), 20152347, 2016
Microclimate predicts within‐season distribution dynamics of montane forest birds
SJK Frey, AS Hadley, MG Betts
Diversity and distributions 22 (9), 944-959, 2016
Refocusing habitat fragmentation research using lessons from the last decade
AS Hadley, MG Betts
Current landscape ecology reports 1, 55-66, 2016
Pollinator recognition by a keystone tropical plant
MG Betts, AS Hadley, WJ Kress
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (11), 3433-3438, 2015
Forest degradation drives widespread avian habitat and population declines
MG Betts, Z Yang, AS Hadley, AC Smith, JS Rousseau, JM Northrup, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (6), 709-719, 2022
Tropical forest fragmentation limits pollination of a keystone understory herb
AS Hadley, SJK Frey, WD Robinson, WJ Kress, MG Betts
Ecology 95 (8), 2202-2212, 2014
Forest fragmentation and loss reduce richness, availability, and specialization in tropical hummingbird communities
AS Hadley, SJK Frey, WD Robinson, MG Betts
Biotropica 50 (1), 74-83, 2018
Functional connectivity experiments reflect routine movement behavior of a tropical hummingbird species
NL Volpe, AS Hadley, WD Robinson, MG Betts
Ecological Applications 24 (8), 2122-2131, 2014
When are hypotheses useful in ecology and evolution?
MG Betts, AS Hadley, DW Frey, SJK Frey, D Gannon, SH Harris, H Kim, ...
Ecology and evolution 11 (11), 5762-5776, 2021
Avian mobbing response is restricted by territory boundaries: experimental evidence from two species of forest warblers
MG Betts, AS Hadley, PJ Doran
Ethology 111 (9), 821-835, 2005
BIOFRAG–a new database for analyzing BIO diversity responses to forest FRAG mentation
M Pfeifer, V Lefebvre, TA Gardner, V Arroyo‐Rodriguez, L Baeten, ...
Ecology and Evolution 4 (9), 1524-1537, 2014
論文 1–20