Brent Steel
Brent Steel
Professor of Public Policy
確認したメール アドレス: oregonstate.edu - ホームページ
Thinking globally and acting locally?: environmental attitudes, behaviour and activism
BS Steel
Journal of environmental management 47 (1), 27-36, 1996
Conflicting values about federal forests: A comparison of national and Oregon publics
BS Steel, P List, B Shindler
Society & natural resources 7 (2), 137-153, 1994
Public ocean literacy in the United States
BS Steel, C Smith, L Opsommer, S Curiel, R Warner-Steel
Ocean & Coastal Management 48 (2), 97-114, 2005
The role of scientists in the environmental policy process: a case study from the American west
B Steel, P List, D Lach, B Shindler
Environmental Science & Policy 7 (1), 1-13, 2004
Managing federal forests: Public attitudes in Oregon and nationwide.
B Schindler, P List, BS Steel
Advocacy and credibility of ecological scientists in resource decisionmaking: a regional study
D Lach, P List, B Steel, B Shindler
BioScience 53 (2), 170-178, 2003
Citizens, political communication, and interest groups: Environmental organizations in Canada and the United States
JC Pierce
(No Title), 1992
Job satisfaction among early labor force participants: Unexpected outcomes in public and private sector comparisons
BS Steel, RL Warner
Public Service, 183-202, 2018
Child rearing as a mechanism for social change: The relationship of child gender to parents' commitment to gender equity
RL Warner, BS Steel
Gender & Society 13 (4), 503-517, 1999
Public judgements of adaptive management: a response from forest communities.
B Shindler, B Steel, P List
Political culture, postmaterial values, and the new environmental paradigm: A comparative analysis of Canada and the United States
MAE Steger, JC Pierce, BS Steel, NP Lovrich
Political Behavior 11, 233-254, 1989
Conditions associated with the advent of representative bureaucracy: The case of women in policing
RL Warner, BS Steel, NP Lovrich
Social Science Quarterly 70 (3), 562, 1989
Equality and efficiency tradeoffs in affirmative action—real or imagined? The case of women in policing
BS Steel, NP Lovrich Jr
The Social Science Journal 24 (1), 53-70, 1987
Sources of variation in attitudes and beliefs about federal rangeland management
MW Brunson, BS Steel
Society for Range Management, 1996
Opposition “overblown”? Community response to wind energy siting in the Western United States
LS Giordono, HS Boudet, A Karmazina, CL Taylor, BS Steel
Energy Research & Social Science 43, 119-131, 2018
Correlates and consequences of public knowledge concerning ocean fisheries management
B Steel, N Lovrich, D Lach, V Fomenko
Coastal management 33 (1), 37-51, 2005
The impact of knowledge and values on perceptions of environmental risk to the Great Lakes
BS Steel, DL Soden, RL Warner
Society & Natural Resources 3 (4), 331-348, 1990
Ecosystem management, decentralization, and public opinion
BS Steel, E Weber
Global Environmental Change 11 (2), 119-131, 2001
Sailing the shoals of adaptive management: the case of salmon in the Pacific Northwest
CL Smith, J Gilden, BS Steel, K Mrakovcich
Environmental Management 22, 671-681, 1998
Environmental politics and policy: a comparative approach
BS Steel, RL Clinton, NP Lovrich
(No Title), 2003
論文 1–20