A comparison of fathers’ and mothers’ talk to toddlers in low‐income families ML Rowe, D Coker, BA Pan Social development 13 (2), 278-291, 2004 | 354 | 2004 |
Walking with Rosie: A Cautionary Tale of Early Reading Instruction. C Juel, G Biancarosa, D Coker, R Deffes Educational Leadership 60 (7), 12-18, 2003 | 155 | 2003 |
Writing instruction in first grade: An observational study DL Coker, E Farley-Ripple, AF Jackson, H Wen, CA MacArthur, ... Reading and Writing 29, 793-832, 2016 | 151 | 2016 |
Beyond Writing Next: A Discussion of Writing Research and Instructional Uncertainty D Coker, W LEWIS Harvard Educational Review 78 (1), 231-251, 2008 | 149 | 2008 |
Curriculum-based measurement of writing in kindergarten and first grade: An investigation of production and qualitative scores DL Coker Jr, KD Ritchey Exceptional Children 76 (2), 175-193, 2010 | 137 | 2010 |
Impact of first-grade factors on the growth and outcomes of urban schoolchildren's primary-grade writing. D Coker Journal of Educational Psychology 98 (3), 471, 2006 | 130 | 2006 |
An investigation of the validity and utility of two curriculum-based measurement writing tasks KD Ritchey, DL Coker Jr Reading & Writing Quarterly 29 (1), 89-119, 2013 | 67 | 2013 |
The relationship between language skills and writing outcomes for linguistically diverse students in upper elementary school RD Silverman, D Coker, CP Proctor, J Harring, KW Piantedosi, ... The Elementary School Journal 116 (1), 103-125, 2015 | 66 | 2015 |
Identifying writing difficulties in first grade: An investigation of writing and reading measures KD Ritchey, DL Coker Jr Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 29 (2), 54-65, 2014 | 64 | 2014 |
A comparison of metrics for scoring beginning spelling KD Ritchey, DL Coker Jr, SB McCraw Assessment for effective intervention 35 (2), 78-88, 2010 | 62 | 2010 |
Developing strategic writers through genre instruction: Resources for grades 3-5 DL Philippakos, Z., MacArthur, C., & Coker Guilford Press, 2015 | 42 | 2015 |
Universal screening for writing risk in kindergarten DL Coker Jr, KD Ritchey Assessment for Effective Intervention 39 (4), 245-256, 2014 | 42 | 2014 |
Writing instruction for young children: Methods targeting the multiple demands that writers face DL Coker Best practices in writing instruction, 101-118, 2007 | 42 | 2007 |
The type of writing instruction and practice matters: The direct and indirect effects of writing instruction and student practice on reading achievement. DL Coker Jr, AS Jennings, E Farley-Ripple, CA MacArthur Journal of Educational Psychology 110 (4), 502, 2018 | 41 | 2018 |
When the type of practice matters: The relationship between typical writing instruction, student practice, and writing achievement in first grade DL Coker Jr, AS Jennings, E Farley-Ripple, CA MacArthur Contemporary Educational Psychology 54, 235-246, 2018 | 35 | 2018 |
An analysis of first-grade writing profiles and their relationship to compositional quality DL Coker Jr, KD Ritchey, X Uribe-Zarain, AS Jennings Journal of Learning Disabilities 51 (4), 336-350, 2018 | 35 | 2018 |
The relationship between early elementary teachers’ instructional practices and theoretical orientations and students’ growth in writing KD Ritchey, DL Coker, AF Jackson Reading and Writing 28, 1333-1354, 2015 | 30 | 2015 |
Writing instruction in preschool and kindergarten D Coker Best practices in writing instruction, 26-47, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
Teaching beginning writers DL Coker, KD Ritchey Guilford Publications, 2015 | 28 | 2015 |
Teaching academic argument in an urban middle school: A case study of two approaches DL Coker Jr, E Erwin Urban Education 46 (2), 120-140, 2011 | 19 | 2011 |