Jérôme Vicente
Jérôme Vicente
Professor of economics, University of Toulouse - Sciences-Po Toulouse - France - LEREPS
確認したメール アドレス: univ-toulouse.fr - ホームページ
Lock-in or lock-out? How structural properties of knowledge networks affect regional resilience?
J Crespo, R Suire, J Vicente
Journal of Economic Geography 14 (1), 199-219, 2014
The scientific trajectory of the French school of proximity: interaction-and institution-based approaches to regional innovation systems
C Carrincazeaux, Y Lung, J Vicente
European Planning Studies 16 (5), 617-628, 2008
Clusters for life or life cycles of clusters: in search of the critical factors of clusters' resilience
R Suire, J Vicente
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 26 (1-2), 142-164, 2014
Why do some places succeed when others decline? A social interaction model of cluster viability
R Suire, J Vicente
Journal of Economic Geography 9 (3), 381, 2009
Getting into Networks and Clusters: Evidence from the Midi-Pyrenean Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Collaboration Network
J Vicente, PA Balland, O Brossard
Regional Studies 45 (8), 1059-1078, 2011
Structural and geographical patterns of knowledge networks in emerging technological standards: evidence from the European GNSS industry
PA Balland, R Suire, J Vicente
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 22 (1), 47-72, 2013
Informational cascades versus network externalities in locational choice: evidence of ‘ICT clusters’ formation and stability
J Vicente, R Suire
Regional Studies 41 (2), 173-184, 2007
Théorie économique des clusters et management des réseaux d'entreprises innovantes
R Suire, J Vicente
Revue française de gestion 184 (4), 119-136, 2008
Why can collective action fail in local agri-food systems? A social network analysis of cheese producers in Aculco, Mexico
J Crespo, D Réquier-Desjardins, J Vicente
Food Policy 46, 165-177, 2014
Network structural properties for cluster long-run dynamics: evidence from collaborative R&D networks in the European mobile phone industry
J Crespo, R Suire, J Vicente
Industrial and Corporate Change 25 (2), 261-282, 2016
Les espaces de la net-économie: clusters TIC et aménagement numérique des territoires
J Vicente
Economica, 2005
3. The ambivalent role of mimetic behavior in proximity dynamics: evidence from the French'Silicon Sentier'
J Vicente, Y Dalla Pria, R Suire
Knowledge externalities, innovation clusters and regional development, 61, 2007
Processus mimétiques et identité collective: gloire et déclin du «Silicon Sentier»
Y Dalla Pria, J Vicente
Revue française de sociologie 47 (2), 293-317, 2006
Economie des clusters
J Vicente
Repères, 128p, 2016
Récents enseignements de la théorie des réseaux en faveur de la politique et du management des clusters
R Suire, J Vicente
Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 91-119, 2015
The visible hand of cluster policy makers: An analysis of Aerospace Valley (2006-2015) using a place-based network methodology
DL Piquero, J Vicente
Research Policy, 2019
Externalités de réseaux vs. externalités informationnelles dans les dynamiques de localisation
J Vicente
Revue d’économie régionale & urbaine, 535-552, 2002
Economics of clusters: A brief history of cluster theories and policy
J Vicente
Springer, 2018
Proximity and distance in knowledge relationships: from micro to structural considerations based on territorial knowledge dynamics (TKDs)
J Crespo, J Vicente
Regional Studies 50 (2), 202-219, 2016
TIC et réorganisation spatiale des activités économiques: introduction ICT and spatial re-organization of economic activities: introduction
V Lethiais, A Rallet, J Vicente
Géographie, économie, société 5, 275-285, 2003
論文 1–20