Diane Damiano
Diane Damiano
確認したメール アドレス: cc.nih.gov
A report: the definition and classification of cerebral palsy April 2006
P Rosenbaum, N Paneth, A Leviton, M Goldstein, M Bax, D Damiano, ...
Dev Med Child Neurol Suppl 109 (suppl 109), 8-14, 2007
Proposed definition and classification of cerebral palsy, April 2005
M Bax, M Goldstein, P Rosenbaum, A Leviton, N Paneth, B Dan, ...
Developmental medicine and child neurology 47 (8), 571-576, 2005
Early, accurate diagnosis and early intervention in cerebral palsy: advances in diagnosis and treatment
I Novak, C Morgan, L Adde, J Blackman, RN Boyd, ...
JAMA pediatrics 171 (9), 897-907, 2017
Functional outcomes of strength training in spastic cerebral palsy
DL Damiano, MF Abel
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 79 (2), 119-125, 1998
A systematic review of the effectiveness of strength-training programs for people with cerebral palsy
KJ Dodd, NF Taylor, DL Damiano
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 83 (8), 1157-1164, 2002
Lower‐extremity strength profiles in spastic cerebral palsy
ME Wiley, DL Damiano
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 40 (2), 100-107, 1998
Activity, activity, activity: rethinking our physical therapy approach to cerebral palsy
DL Damiano
Physical therapy 86 (11), 1534-1540, 2006
Effects of neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) for cerebral palsy: an AACPDM evidence report
C Butler, J Darrah
Developmental medicine and child neurology 43 (11), 778-790, 2001
Muscle response to heavy resistance exercise in children with spastic cerebral palsy
DL Damiano, CL Vaughan, ME Abel
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 37 (8), 731-739, 1995
Effects of quadriceps femoris muscle strengthening on crouch gait in children with spastic diplegia
LE Kelly, CL Vaughn
Phys Ther 75, 658-667, 1995
Promotion of physical fitness and prevention of secondary conditions for children with cerebral palsy: section on pediatrics research summit proceedings
EG Fowler, THA Kolobe, DL Damiano, DE Thorpe, DW Morgan, ...
Physical therapy 87 (11), 1495-1510, 2007
Early intervention for children aged 0 to 2 years with or at high risk of cerebral palsy: international clinical practice guideline based on systematic reviews
C Morgan, L Fetters, L Adde, N Badawi, A Bancale, RN Boyd, O Chorna, ...
JAMA pediatrics 175 (8), 846-858, 2021
Muscle force production and functional performance in spastic cerebral palsy: relationship of cocontraction
DL Damiano, TL Martellotta, DJ Sullivan, KP Granata, MF Abel
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 81 (7), 895-900, 2000
Outcome tools used for ambulatory children with cerebral palsy: responsiveness and minimum clinically important differences
D Oeffinger, A Bagley, S Rogers, G Gorton, R Kryscio, M Abel, D Damiano, ...
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 50 (12), 918-925, 2008
The evolution of gait in childhood and adolescent cerebral palsy
DC Johnson, DL Damiano, MF Abel
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 17 (3), 392-396, 1997
Progressive resistance exercise in physical therapy: a summary of systematic reviews
NF Taylor, KJ Dodd, DL Damiano
Physical therapy 85 (11), 1208-1223, 2005
A systematic review of the effectiveness of treadmill training and body weight support in pediatric rehabilitation
DL Damiano, SL DeJong
Journal of neurologic physical therapy 33 (1), 27-44, 2009
What does the Ashworth scale really measure and are instrumented measures more valid and precise?
DL Damiano, JM Quinlivan, BF Owen, P Payne, KC Nelson, MF Abel
Developmental medicine and child neurology 44 (2), 112-118, 2002
Should we be testing and training muscle strength in cerebral palsy?
DL Damiano, K Dodd, NF Taylor
Developmental medicine and child neurology 44 (1), 68-72, 2002
Evidence of the effects of intrathecal baclofen for spastic and dystonic cerebral palsy
C Butler, S Campbell
Developmental medicine and child neurology 42 (9), 634-645, 2000
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