Armando Leite da Silva
Armando Leite da Silva
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
確認したメール アドレス: ele.puc-rio.br
Evaluation methods and accuracy in probabilistic load flow solutions
RN Allan, AML Da Silva, RC Burchett
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 2539-2546, 1981
State forecasting in electric power systems
AM Leite da Silva, MB Do Coutto Filho, JF De Queiroz
IEE Proceedings C (Generation, Transmission and Distribution) 130 (5), 237-244, 1983
Probabilistic evaluation of the effect of maintenance on reliability. An application [to power systems]
J Endrenyi, GJ Anders, AML Da Silva
IEEE Transactions on power systems 13 (2), 576-583, 1998
Evaluation of reliability worth in composite systems based on pseudo-sequential Monte Carlo simulation
JCO Mello, MVF Pereira, AML Da Silva
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 9 (3), 1318-1326, 1994
Pseudo-chronological simulation for composite reliability analysis with time varying loads
AML Da Silva, LADF Manso, JCDO Mello, R Billinton
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 15 (1), 73-80, 2000
Probabilistic load flow considering dependence between input nodal powers
AML Da Silva, VL Arienti, RN Allan
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 1524-1530, 1984
Probabilistic load flow by a multilinear simulation algorithm
AM Leite da Silva, VL Arienti
IEE Proceedings C (Generation, Transmission and Distribution) 137 (4), 276-282, 1990
Probabilistic load flow using multilinearisations
RN Allan, AM Leite da Silva
IEE Proceedings C (Generation, Transmission and Distribution) 128 (5), 280-287, 1981
Probabilistic load flow techniques applied to power system expansion planning
AML Da Silva, SMP Ribeiro, VL Arienti, RN Allan, MB Do Coutto Filho
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 5 (4), 1047-1053, 1990
Long-term probabilistic evaluation of operating reserve requirements with renewable sources
AMLL da Silva, WS Sales, LA da Fonseca Manso, R Billinton
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25 (1), 106-116, 2010
Bibliography on power system probabilistic analysis (1962-88)
MT Schilling, AML Da Silva, R Billinton, MA El-Kady
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 5 (1), 1-11, 1990
Generating capacity reliability evaluation based on Monte Carlo simulation and cross-entropy methods
AML Da Silva, RAG Fernandez, C Singh
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25 (1), 129-137, 2010
A conditional probability approach to the calculation of frequency and duration indices in composite reliability evaluation
ACG Melo, MVF Pereira, AML Da Silva
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 8 (3), 1118-1125, 1993
An efficient dynamic state estimation algorithm including bad data processing
AML Da Silva, MB Do Coutto Filho, JMC Cantera
IEEE transactions on Power Systems 2 (4), 1050-1058, 1987
Composite systems reliability evaluation based on Monte Carlo simulation and cross-entropy methods
RA González-Fernández, AML da Silva, LC Resende, MT Schilling
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (4), 4598-4606, 2013
Composite reliability assessment based on Monte Carlo simulation and artificial neural networks
AML da Silva, LC de Resende, LA da Fonseca Manso, V Miranda
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22 (3), 1202-1209, 2007
Reliability assessment of time-dependent systems via sequential cross-entropy Monte Carlo simulation
RA González-Fernández, AML da Silva
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (4), 2381-2389, 2011
Frequency and duration calculations in composite generation and transmission reliability evaluation
ACG Melo, MVF Pereira, AML Da Silva
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 7 (2), 469-476, 1992
Reliability worth applied to transmission expansion planning based on ant colony system
AML da Silva, LS Rezende, LA da Fonseca Manso, LC de Resende
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 32 (10), 1077-1084, 2010
Discrete convolution in power system reliability
RN Allan, AML Da Silva, AA Abu-Nasser, RC Burchett
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 30 (5), 452-456, 1981
論文 1–20