Aichia Chuang
A multilevel investigation of factors influencing employee service performance and customer outcomes
H Liao, A Chuang
Academy of Management journal 47 (1), 41-58, 2004
Transforming service employees and climate: a multilevel, multisource examination of transformational leadership in building long-term service relationships.
H Liao, A Chuang
Journal of applied psychology 92 (4), 1006, 2007
Sticking out like a sore thumb: Employee dissimilarity and deviance at work
H Liao, A Joshi, A Chuang
Personnel Psychology 57 (4), 969-1000, 2004
Examining the mechanisms linking transformational leadership, employee customer orientation, and service performance: The mediating roles of perceived supervisor and coworker …
YJ Liaw, NW Chi, A Chuang
Journal of Business and Psychology 25, 477-492, 2010
Person–organization and person–supervisor fits: Employee commitments in a Chinese context
AEM Van Vianen, CT Shen, A Chuang
Journal of Organizational Behavior 32 (6), 906-926, 2011
Development of a Multidimensional Instrument of P erson–E nvironment F it: The P erceived P erson–E nvironment F it S cale (PPEFS)
A Chuang, CT Shen, TA Judge
Applied psychology 65 (1), 66-98, 2016
Acceptability of workplace bullying: A comparative study on six continents
JL Power, CM Brotheridge, J Blenkinsopp, L Bowes-Sperry, N Bozionelos, ...
Journal of Business Research 66 (3), 374-380, 2013
Fostering employee service creativity: Joint effects of customer empowering behaviors and supervisory empowering leadership.
Y Dong, H Liao, A Chuang, J Zhou, EM Campbell
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (5), 1364, 2015
Perceived deep-level dissimilarity: Personality antecedents and impact on overall job attitude, helping, work withdrawal, and turnover
H Liao, A Chuang, A Joshi
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 106 (2), 106-124, 2008
Does West “fit” with East? In search of a Chinese model of person–environment fit
A Chuang, RS Hsu, AC Wang, TA Judge
Academy of Management Journal 58 (2), 480-510, 2015
The perceived importance of person-job fit and person-organization fit between and within interview stages
A Chuang, PR Sackett
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 33 (3), 209-226, 2005
Transformational leadership and customer service: A moderated mediation model of negative affectivity and emotion regulation
A Chuang, TA Judge, YJ Liaw
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 21 (1), 28-56, 2012
Hot shots and cool reception? An expanded view of social consequences for high performers.
EM Campbell, H Liao, A Chuang, J Zhou, Y Dong
Journal of Applied Psychology 102 (5), 845, 2017
International perspectives on the legal environment for selection
B Myors, F Lievens, E Schollaert, G Van Hoye, SF Cronshaw, A Mladinic, ...
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 1 (2), 206-246, 2008
Exploring the moderating roles of perceived person–job fit and person–organisation fit on the relationship between training investment and knowledge workers' turnover intentions
HT Chang, NW Chi, A Chuang
Applied Psychology 59 (4), 566-593, 2010
An investigation of individual and contextual factors influencing training variables
A Chuang, WC Liao, WT Tai
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 33 (2), 159-174, 2005
A typology of three-way interaction models: Applications and suggestions for Asian management research
LW Lam, A Chuang, CS Wong, JNY Zhu
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 36, 1-16, 2019
Enhancing employee creativity: Effects of choice, rewards and personality.
J Zhou, GR Oldham, A Chuang, RS Hsu
Journal of Applied Psychology 107 (3), 503, 2022
A multilevel perspective on the relationship between interpersonal justice and negative feedback‐seeking behaviour
A Chuang, CY Lee, CT Shen
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2014
Perspectives from twenty-two countries on the legal environment for selection.
PR Sackett, W Shen, B Myors, F Lievens, E Schollaert, G Van Hoye, ...
Handbook of employee selection, 651-676, 2010
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