Y. Xu
Y. Xu
College of Communications Engineering
確認したメール アドレス: ieee.org
A survey of machine learning for big data processing
J Qiu, Q Wu, G Ding, Y Xu, S Feng
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2016 (1), 67, 2016
Cognitive internet of things: a new paradigm beyond connection
Q Wu, G Ding, Y Xu, S Feng, Z Du, J Wang, K Long
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 1 (2), 129-143, 2014
Opportunistic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks: Global optimization using local interaction games
Y Xu, J Wang, Q Wu, A Anpalagan, YD Yao
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 6 (2), 180-194, 2012
Opportunistic spectrum access in unknown dynamic environment: A game-theoretic stochastic learning solution
Y Xu, J Wang, Q Wu, A Anpalagan, YD Yao
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 11 (4), 1380-1391, 2012
Energy-efficient multi-UAV coverage deployment in UAV networks: A game-theoretic framework
L Ruan, J Wang, J Chen, Y Xu, Y Yang, H Jiang, Y Zhang, Y Xu
China Communications 15 (10), 194-209, 2018
Decision-Theoretic Distributed Channel Selection for Opportunistic Spectrum Access: Strategies, Challenges and Solutions
Y Xu, A Anpalagan, Q Wu, L Shen, Z Gao, J Wang
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 15 (4), 1689-1713, 2013
Anti-jamming Communications Using Spectrum Waterfall: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
X Liu, Y Xu, L Jia, Q Wu, A Anpalagan
IEEE Communications Letters, 2018
Stackelberg game approaches for anti-jamming defence in wireless networks
L Jia, Y Xu, Y Sun, S Feng, A Anpalagan
IEEE Wireless Communications 25 (6), 120-128, 2018
Optimal Power Allocation and User Scheduling in Multicell Networks: Base Station Cooperation Using a Game-Theoretic Approach
Y Cai, Y Liu, Y Xu, B Duan, X Shen
IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications 13 (12), 6928 - 6942, 2014
Dynamic Spectrum Anti-Jamming Communications: Challenges and Opportunities
X Wang, J Wang, Y Xu, J Chen, L Jia, X Liu, Y Yang
IEEE Communications Magazine 58 (2), 79-85, 2020
A One-Leader Multi-Follower Bayesian-Stackelberg Game for Anti-Jamming Transmission in UAV Communication Networks
Y Xu, G Ren, J Chen, Y Luo, L Jia, X Liu, Y Yang, Y Xu
IEEE Access 6, 21697-21709, 2018
Joint Task Assignment and Spectrum Allocation in Heterogeneous UAV Communication Networks: A Coalition Formation Game-theoretic Approach
J Chen, Q Wu, Y Xu, N Qi, X Guan, Y Zhang, Z Xue
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2020
Opportunistic UAV Utilization in Wireless Networks: Motivations, Applications, and Challenges
D Liu, Y Xu, J Wang, J Chen, K Yao, Q Wu, A Anpalagan
IEEE Communications Magazine 58 (5), 62-68, 2020
Opportunistic Spectrum Access with Spatial Reuse: Graphical Game and Uncoupled Learning Solutions
Y Xu, Q Wu, L Shen, J Wang, A Anpalagan
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 1-13, 2013
Self-organizing relay selection in UAV communication networks: A matching game perspective
D Liu, Y Xu, J Wang, Y Xu, A Anpalagan, Q Wu, H Wang, L Shen
IEEE Wireless Communications 26 (6), 102-110, 2019
Task-Driven Relay Assignment in Distributed UAV Communication Networks
D Liu, J Wang, K Xu, Y Xu, Y Yang, Y Xu, Q Wu, A Anpalagan
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (11), 11003-11017, 2019
Opportunistic Spectrum Access Using Partially Overlapping Channels: Graphical Game and Uncoupled Learning
Y Xu, Q Wu, J Wang, L Shen, A Anpalagan
IEEE Transactions on Communications 61 (9), 3906-2918, 2013
A game-theoretic learning approach for anti-jamming dynamic spectrum access in dense wireless networks
L Jia, Y Xu, Y Sun, S Feng, L Yu, A Anpalagan
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (2), 1646-1656, 2019
Interference-Aware Online Distributed Channel Selection for Multicluster FANET: A Potential Game Approach
J Chen, Y Xu, Q Wu, Y Zhang, X Chen, N Qi
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (4), 3792-3804, 2019
Dynamic Spectrum Access in Time-Varying Environment: Distributed Learning Beyond Expectation Optimization
Y Xu, J Wang, Q Wu, J Zheng, L Shen, A Anpalagan
IEEE Transactions on Communications 65 (12), 5305-5318, 2017
論文 1–20