Na Yeon Kim
Na Yeon Kim
California Institute of Technology
確認したメール アドレス: princeton.edu - ホームページ
A biased competition theory for the developmental cognitive neuroscience of visuo-spatial attention
NY Kim, S Kastner
Current opinion in psychology 29, 219-228, 2019
Identification of the minimal region in lipase ABC transporter recognition domain of Pseudomonas fluorescens for secretion and fluorescence of green fluorescent …
Y Park, Y Moon, J Ryoo, N Kim, H Cho, JH Ahn
Microbial Cell Factories 11, 1-12, 2012
How Is Magnetic Resonance Imaging Used to Learn About the Brain?
PM Hoyos, NY Kim, S Kastner
Frontiers for Young Minds 7 (86), 2019
Discriminable spatial patterns of activation for faces and bodies in the fusiform gyrus
NY Kim, SM Lee, MC Erlendsdottir, G McCarthy
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8, 632, 2014
Neural basis of biased competition in development: sensory competition in visual cortex of school-aged children
NY Kim, MA Pinsk, S Kastner
Cerebral cortex 31 (6), 3107-3121, 2021
Task influences pattern discriminability for faces and bodies in ventral occipitotemporal cortex
NY Kim, G McCarthy
Social neuroscience 11 (6), 627-636, 2016
Sensitivity to faces with typical and atypical part configurations within regions of the face-processing network: An fMRI study
AD Engell, NY Kim, G McCarthy
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 30 (7), 963-972, 2018
Development of spatial biases in school‐aged children
PM Hoyos, NY Kim, D Cheng, A Finkelston, S Kastner
Developmental Science 24 (3), e13053, 2021
Smartphone‐based gaze estimation for in‐home autism research
NY Kim, J He, Q Wu, N Dai, K Kohlhoff, J Turner, LK Paul, DP Kennedy, ...
Autism Research 17 (6), 1140-1148, 2024
Left or Right? How Attention and Reading Develop Together
PM Hoyos, NY Kim, S Kastner
Frontiers for Young Minds 10 (734161), 2022
Divergent Development in Dyspraxic Children
M Pecsok, K Igelstrom, NY Kim, S Kastner
Princeton University, 2020
Variability and stability of autistic traits in the general population: a systematic comparison between online and in-lab samples
Q Wu, Q Hong, NY Kim, R Adolphs, LK Paul, CJ Charpentier
OSF, 2025
Developing a non-human primate model to dissect the neural mechanisms of facial emotion processing relevant in autism spectrum disorder
ST Alamooti, NY Kim, R Adolphs, K Kar
Journal of Vision 24 (10), 1266-1266, 2024
Probing the link between dynamics of “face-selectivity” in macaque IT cortex and facial emotion discrimination behavior
M Wehrheim, NY Kim, R Adolphs, K Kar
Journal of Vision 23 (9), 5507-5507, 2023
Leveraging Artificial Neural Networks to Enhance Diagnostic Efficiency in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Study on Facial Emotion Recognition
K Mukherjee, NY Kim, ST Alamooti, R Adolphs, K Kar
Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (accepted as a talk), 2023
Smartphone-Based Eye Tracking for Longitudinal Studies of Autism
NY Kim, Q Wu, JM Turner, LK Paul, D Kennedy, R Adolphs
INSAR 2023, 2023
Modeling Eye Gaze to Videos Using Dynamic Trajectory Variability Analysis
Q Wu, NY Kim, JM Turner, LK Paul, R Adolphs
INSAR 2023, 2023
156. Modeling Eye Gaze to Videos Using Dynamic Trajectory Variability Analysis
Q Wu, NY Kim, J Turner, U Keles, L Paul, D Bzdok, R Adolphs
Biological Psychiatry 93 (9), S157, 2023
Neural Mechanisms of Visuo-Spatial Attention in School-Aged Children
NY Kim
Princeton University, 2021
論文 1–19