William Spataro
William Spataro
Associate Professor at Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Calabria
確認したメール アドレス: unical.it - ホームページ
The simulation model SCIARA: the 1991 and 2001 lava flows at Mount Etna
GM Crisci, R Rongo, S Di Gregorio, W Spataro
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 132 (2-3), 253-267, 2004
A parallel cellular automata environment on multicomputers for computational science
M Cannataro, S Di Gregorio, R Rongo, W Spataro, G Spezzano, D Talia
Parallel Computing 21 (5), 803-823, 1995
Simulation of the 1992 Tessina landslide by a cellular automata model and future hazard scenarios
MV Avolio, S Di Gregorio, F Mantovani, A Pasuto, R Rongo, S Silvano, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2 (1 …, 2000
A parallel cellular tool for interactive modeling and simulation
G Spezzano, D Talia, S Di Gregorio, R Rongo, W Spataro
IEEE Computational Science and Engineering 3 (3), 33-43, 1996
Mount Ontake landslide simulation by the cellular automata model SCIDDICA-3
S Di Gregorio, R Kongo, C Siciliano, M Sorriso-Valvo, W Spataro
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy 24 (2 …, 1999
First simulations of the Sarno debris flows through Cellular Automata modelling
D D'Ambrosio, S Di Gregorio, G Iovine, V Lupiano, R Rongo, W Spataro
Geomorphology 54 (1-2), 91-117, 2003
Parallel genetic algorithms for optimising cellular automata models of natural complex phenomena: an application to debris flows
D D’Ambrosio, W Spataro, G Iovine
Computers & Geosciences 32 (7), 861-875, 2006
A new algorithm for simulating wildfire spread through cellular automata
GA Trunfio, D D’Ambrosio, R Rongo, W Spataro, S Di Gregorio
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 22 (1), 1-26, 2011
Predicting the impact of lava flows at Mount Etna, Italy
GM Crisci, MV Avolio, B Behncke, D D'Ambrosio, S Di Gregorio, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B4), 2010
A macroscopic collisional model for debris-flows simulation
D D'Ambrosio, G Iovine, W Spataro, H Miyamoto
Environmental Modelling & Software 22 (10), 1417-1436, 2007
Emotion recognition in the wild using deep neural networks and Bayesian classifiers
L Surace, M Patacchiola, E Battini Sönmez, W Spataro, A Cangelosi
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on multimodal …, 2017
Parallel evolutionary modelling of geological processes
D D’Ambrosio, W Spataro
Parallel Computing 33 (3), 186-212, 2007
Revisiting the 1669 Etnean eruptive crisis using a cellular automata model and implications for volcanic hazard in the Catania area
GM Crisci, S Di Gregorio, R Rongo, M Scarpelli, W Spataro, S Calvari
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 123 (1-2), 211-230, 2003
Accelerating wildfire susceptibility mapping through GPGPU
S Di Gregorio, G Filippone, W Spataro, GA Trunfio
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 73 (8), 1183-1194, 2013
SCIARA γ2: An improved cellular automata model for lava flows and applications to the 2002 Etnean crisis
MV Avolio, GM Crisci, S Di Gregorio, R Rongo, W Spataro, GA Trunfio
Computers & Geosciences 32 (7), 876-889, 2006
Integrating geomorphology, statistic and numerical simulations for landslide invasion hazard scenarios mapping: an example in the Sorrento Peninsula (Italy)
F Lucà, D D’Ambrosio, G Robustelli, R Rongo, W Spataro
Computers & Geosciences 67, 163-172, 2014
An evolutionary approach for modelling lava flows through cellular automata
W Spataro, D D’Ambrosio, R Rongo, GA Trunfio
International Conference on Cellular Automata, 725-734, 2004
Lava flow hazard evaluation through cellular automata and genetic algorithms: an application to Mt Etna volcano
R Rongo, W Spataro, D D'Ambrosio, M Vittoria Avolio, GA Trunfio, ...
Fundamenta Informaticae 87 (2), 247-267, 2008
Efficient application of GPGPU for lava flow hazard mapping
D D’Ambrosio, G Filippone, D Marocco, R Rongo, W Spataro
The Journal of Supercomputing 65, 630-644, 2013
Cellular automata and GPGPU: an application to lava flow modeling
D D’Ambrosio, G Filippone, R Rongo, W Spataro, GA Trunfio
International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC) 4 (3 …, 2012
論文 1–20