Dr. Ruban BLESSED Singh.R
Dr. Ruban BLESSED Singh.R
Assistant Professor
確認したメール アドレス: なし
Rapid casting solutions: a review
M Chhabra, R Singh
Rapid Prototyping Journal 17 (5), 328-350, 2011
Phenylpropanoid metabolism in ripening fruits
R Singh, S Rastogi, UN Dwivedi
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 9 (4), 398-416, 2010
Cryoprocessing of cutting tool materials—a review
SS Gill, H Singh, R Singh, J Singh
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 48, 175-192, 2010
Metallurgical principles of cryogenically treated tool steels—a review on the current state of science
SS Gill, J Singh, R Singh, H Singh
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 54, 59-82, 2011
Cardiorenal protection with the newer antidiabetic agents in patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association
J Rangaswami, V Bhalla, IH De Boer, A Staruschenko, JA Sharp, ...
Circulation 142 (17), e265-e286, 2020
Metallurgical and mechanical characteristics of cryogenically treated tungsten carbide (WC–Co)
SS Gill, J Singh, H Singh, R Singh
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 58, 119-131, 2012
Investigation on mechanical, tribological and microstructural properties of Al–Mg–Si–T6/SiC/muscovite-hybrid metal-matrix composites for high strength applications
S Sharma, J Singh, MK Gupta, M Mia, SP Dwivedi, A Saxena, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 12, 1564-1581, 2021
Thermal characterization of recycled polymer for additive manufacturing applications
KS Boparai, R Singh, F Fabbrocino, F Fraternali
Composites Part B: Engineering 106, 42-47, 2016
Effect of ethrel and 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on antioxidants in mango (Mangifera indica var. Dashehari) during fruit ripening
R Singh, UN Dwivedi
Food Chemistry 111 (4), 951-956, 2008
Improved speed-flow relationships: application to transportation planning models
R Singh, R Dowling
Seventh TRB Conference on the Application of Transportation Planning …, 2002
Dimorphic expression of various transcription factor and steroidogenic enzyme genes during gonadal ontogeny in the air-breathing catfish, Clarias gariepinus
K Raghuveer, B Senthilkumaran, CC Sudhakumari, P Sridevi, ...
Sexual Development 5 (4), 213-223, 2011
Flank wear and machining performance of cryogenically treated tungsten carbide inserts
SS Gill, H Singh, R Singh, J Singh
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 26 (11), 1430-1441, 2011
WRHT: a hybrid technique for detection of wormhole attack in wireless sensor networks
R Singh, J Singh, R Singh
Mobile Information Systems 2016 (1), 8354930, 2016
Development of nylon based FDM filament for rapid tooling application
R Singh, S Singh
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C 95, 103-108, 2014
Endosulfan and flutamide impair testicular development in the juvenile Asian catfish, Clarias batrachus
A Rajakumar, R Singh, S Chakrabarty, R Murugananthkumar, ...
Aquatic toxicology 110, 123-132, 2012
Accuracy and performance of improved speed-flow curves
RG Dowling, R Singh, W Wei-Kuo Cheng
Transportation research record 1646 (1), 9-17, 1998
Additive manufacturing: applications and innovations
R Singh, JP Davim
CRC Press, 2018
Implant materials and their processing technologies
R Singh, S Singh, MSJ Hashmi
Elsevier, 2016
Investigation for ultrasonic machining of titanium and its alloys
R Singh, JS Khamba
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 183 (2-3), 363-367, 2007
Fuzzy based advanced hybrid intrusion detection system to detect malicious nodes in wireless sensor networks
R Singh, J Singh, R Singh
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2017 (1), 3548607, 2017
論文 1–20