Johannes Kraus
The more you know: trust dynamics and calibration in highly automated driving and the effects of take-overs, system malfunction, and system transparency
J Kraus, D Scholz, D Stiegemeier, M Baumann
Human factors 62 (5), 718-736, 2020
From car-driver-handovers to cooperative interfaces: Visions for driver–vehicle interaction in automated driving
M Walch, K Mühl, J Kraus, T Stoll, M Baumann, M Weber
Automotive user interfaces: Creating interactive experiences in the car, 273-294, 2017
Small talk with a robot? The impact of dialog content, talk initiative, and gaze behavior of a social robot on trust, acceptance, and proximity
F Babel, J Kraus, L Miller, M Kraus, N Wagner, W Minker, M Baumann
International Journal of Social Robotics 13 (6), 1485-1498, 2021
What’s driving me? Exploration and validation of a hierarchical personality model for trust in automated driving
J Kraus, D Scholz, M Baumann
Human factors 63 (6), 1076-1105, 2021
Calibrating pedestrians' trust in automated vehicles: does an intent display in an external HMI support trust calibration and safe crossing behavior?
S M. Faas, J Kraus, A Schoenhals, M Baumann
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2021
Elaborating feedback strategies for maintaining automation in highly automated driving
P Hock, J Kraus, M Walch, N Lang, M Baumann
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on automotive user …, 2016
How to design valid simulator studies for investigating user experience in automated driving: review and hands-on considerations
P Hock, J Kraus, F Babel, M Walch, E Rukzio, M Baumann
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2018
Scared to trust?–predicting trust in highly automated driving by depressiveness, negative self-evaluations and state anxiety
J Kraus, D Scholz, EM Messner, M Messner, M Baumann
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 2917, 2020
More than a feeling—interrelation of trust layers in human-robot interaction and the role of user dispositions and state anxiety
L Miller, J Kraus, F Babel, M Baumann
Frontiers in psychology 12, 592711, 2021
Effects of gender stereotypes on trust and likability in soken human-robot interaction
M Kraus, J Kraus, M Baumann, W Minker
Calibration of trust expectancies in conditionally automated driving by brand, reliability information and introductionary videos: An online study
Y Forster, J Kraus, S Feinauer, M Baumann
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on automotive user …, 2018
Human after all: Effects of mere presence and social interaction of a humanoid robot as a co-driver in automated driving
JM Kraus, F Nothdurft, P Hock, D Scholz, W Minker, M Baumann
Adjunct proceedings of the 8th international conference on automotive user …, 2016
The propensity to trust in (automated) technology mediates the links between technology self-efficacy and fear and acceptance of artificial intelligence
C Montag, J Kraus, M Baumann, D Rozgonjuk
Computers in Human Behavior Reports 11, 100315, 2023
Two routes to trust calibration: effects of reliability and brand information on trust in automation
JM Kraus, Y Forster, S Hergeth, M Baumann
International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) 11 (3), 1-17, 2019
Psychological processes in the formation and calibration of trust in automation
JM Kraus
Universität Ulm, 2020
A subjective one-item measure based on NASA-TLX to assess cognitive workload in driver-vehicle interaction
N von Janczewski, J Kraus, A Engeln, M Baumann
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 86, 210-225, 2022
Implicit intention communication as a design opportunity for automated vehicles: Understanding drivers’ interpretation of vehicle trajectory at narrow passages
L Miller, J Leitner, J Kraus, M Baumann
Accident Analysis & Prevention 173, 106691, 2022
Findings from a qualitative field study with an autonomous robot in public: exploration of user reactions and conflicts
F Babel, J Kraus, M Baumann
International Journal of Social Robotics 14 (7), 1625-1655, 2022
Anthropomorphic agents, transparent automation and driver personality: towards an integrative multi-level model of determinants for effective driver-vehicle cooperation in …
JM Kraus, J Sturn, JE Reiser, M Baumann
Adjunct proceedings of the 7th international conference on automotive user …, 2015
Development and testing of psychological conflict resolution strategies for assertive robots to resolve human–robot goal conflict
F Babel, JM Kraus, M Baumann
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 7, 591448, 2021
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