Panayota Sourtzi
Panayota Sourtzi
Professor of Occupational Health Nursing, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
確認したメール アドレス: nurs.uoa.gr
Caring for a relative with dementia: family caregiver burden
E Papastavrou, A Kalokerinou, SS Papacostas, H Tsangari, P Sourtzi
Journal of Advanced Nursing 58 (5), 446-457, 2007
Hypertension and exposure to noise near airports: the HYENA study
L Jarup, W Babisch, D Houthuijs, G Pershagen, K Katsouyanni, E Cadum, ...
Environmental health perspectives 116 (3), 329-333, 2008
Annoyance due to aircraft noise has increased over the years—Results of the HYENA study
W Babisch, D Houthuijs, G Pershagen, E Cadum, K Katsouyanni, ...
Environment international 35 (8), 1169-1176, 2009
Noise annoyance—A modifier of the association between noise level and cardiovascular health?
W Babisch, G Pershagen, J Selander, D Houthuijs, O Breugelmans, ...
Science of the total environment 452, 50-57, 2013
Attitudes and knowledge of the Greek nursing students towards older people
E Lambrinou, P Sourtzi, A Kalokairinou, C Lemonidou
Nurse Education Today 29 (6), 617-622, 2009
Health Belief Model applied to non-compliance with HPV vaccine among female university students
EM Donadiki, R Jiménez-García, V Hernández-Barrera, P Sourtzi, ...
Public health 128 (3), 268-273, 2014
Effectiveness of heart failure management programmes with nurse-led discharge planning in reducing re-admissions: a systematic review and meta-analysis
E Lambrinou, F Kalogirou, D Lamnisos, P Sourtzi
International journal of nursing studies 49 (5), 610-624, 2012
Caring and coping: the dementia caregivers
E Papastavrou, H Tsangari, G Karayiannis, S Papakostas, G Efstathiou, ...
AGEING AND MENTAL HEALTH 15 (6), 702-711, 2011
Hypertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports (HYENA) – study design and noise exposure assessement.
L Jarup, ML Dudley, W Babisch, D Houthuijs, J Kwekkeboom, W Swart, ...
EPIDEMIOLOGY 16 (5), S53-S54, 2005
Exposure modifiers of the relationships of transportation noise with high blood pressure and noise annoyance
W Babisch, W Swart, D Houthuijs, J Selander, G Bluhm, G Pershagen, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132 (6), 3788-3808, 2012
Medication use in relation to noise from aircraft and road traffic in six European countries: results of the HYENA study.
S Floud, F Vigna-Taglianti, A Hansell, Blangiardo, D M, Houthuijs, ...
OCCUP ENVIRON MED 68 (7), 518-524, 2011
Conflict management in public hospitals: the Cyprus case
A Pavlakis, D Kaitelidou, M Theodorou, P Galanis, P Sourtzi, O Siskou
International nursing review 58 (2), 242-248, 2011
Impact of job satisfaction on greek nurses' health-related quality of life
P Ioannou, V Katsikavali, P Galanis, E Velonakis, D Papadatou, P Sourtzi
Safety and health at work 6 (4), 324-328, 2015
Influence of shiftwork on Greek nursing personnel
A Korompeli, O Muurlink, C Tzavara, E Velonakis, C Lemonidou, P Sourtzi
Safety and health at work 5 (2), 73-79, 2014
Attitudes towards people with physical or intellectual disabilities among nursing, social work and medical students
Kritsotakis, G, Galanis, P, Papastefanakis, E, Meidani, F, Philalithis, AE ...
J. Clin. Nurs. 26 (23-24), 4951-4963, 2017
Informal payments for maternity health services in public hospitals in Greece
DC Kaitelidou, CS Tsirona, PA Galanis, OC Siskou, P Mladovsky, ...
Health policy 109 (1), 23-30, 2013
Development, implementation and evaluation of a disaster training programme for nurses: A Switching Replications randomized controlled trial
T Pesiridis, P Sourtzi, P Galanis, A Kalokairinou
Nurse education in practice 15 (1), 63-67, 2015
Risk assessment of physical hazards in greek hospitals combining staff’s perception, experts’ evaluation and objective measurements
SG Tziaferi, P Sourtzi, A Kalokairinou, E Sgourou, E Koumoulas, ...
Safety and health at work 2 (3), 260-272, 2011
Is aircraft noise exposure associated with cardiovascular disease and hypertension? Results from a cohort study in Athens, Greece
K Dimakopoulou, K Koutentakis, I Papageorgiou, MI Kasdagli, ...
Occupational and environmental medicine 74 (11), 830-837, 2017
Sleep Disturbance in Nursing Personnel Working Shifts
A Korompeli, C Tzavara, C Lemonidou, P Sourtzi
Nursing forum 48 (1), 45-53, 2013
論文 1–20