Yixue Hao
Yixue Hao
Highly Cited Researcher, Associate Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
確認したメール アドレス: ieee.org
Disease prediction by machine learning over big data from healthcare communities
M Chen, Y Hao, K Hwang, L Wang, L Wang
Ieee Access 5, 8869-8879, 2017
Task offloading for mobile edge computing in software defined ultra-dense network
M Chen, Y Hao
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 36 (3), 587-597, 2018
Narrow band internet of things
M Chen, Y Miao, Y Hao, K Hwang
IEEE access 5, 20557-20577, 2017
Edge cognitive computing based smart healthcare system
M Chen, W Li, Y Hao, Y Qian, I Humar
Future Generation Computer Systems 86, 403-411, 2018
Energy efficient task caching and offloading for mobile edge computing
Y Hao, M Chen, L Hu, MS Hossain, A Ghoneim
IEEE Access 6, 11365-11373, 2018
On the computation offloading at ad hoc cloudlet: architecture and service modes
M Chen, Y Hao, Y Li, CF Lai, D Wu
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (6), 18-24, 2015
5G-smart diabetes: Toward personalized diabetes diagnosis with healthcare big data clouds
M Chen, J Yang, J Zhou, Y Hao, J Zhang, CH Youn
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (4), 16-23, 2018
Data-driven computing and caching in 5G networks: Architecture and delay analysis
M Chen, Y Qian, Y Hao, Y Li, J Song
IEEE Wireless Communications 25 (1), 70-75, 2018
A dynamic service migration mechanism in edge cognitive computing
M Chen, W Li, G Fortino, Y Hao, L Hu, I Humar
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 19 (2), 1-15, 2019
A 5G cognitive system for healthcare
M Chen, J Yang, Y Hao, S Mao, K Hwang
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 1 (1), 2, 2017
Green and mobility-aware caching in 5G networks
M Chen, Y Hao, L Hu, K Huang, VKN Lau
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (12), 8347-8361, 2017
Mobility-aware caching and computation offloading in 5G ultra-dense cellular networks
M Chen, Y Hao, M Qiu, J Song, D Wu, I Humar
Sensors 16 (7), 974, 2016
Edge-CoCaCo: Toward joint optimization of computation, caching, and communication on edge cloud
M Chen, Y Hao, L Hu, MS Hossain, A Ghoneim
IEEE Wireless Communications 25 (3), 21-27, 2018
Audio-visual emotion fusion (AVEF): A deep efficient weighted approach
Y Ma, Y Hao, M Chen, J Chen, P Lu, A Košir
Information Fusion 46, 184-192, 2019
SPHA: Smart personal health advisor based on deep analytics
M Chen, Y Zhang, M Qiu, N Guizani, Y Hao
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (3), 164-169, 2018
Smart-Edge-CoCaCo: AI-enabled smart edge with joint computation, caching, and communication in heterogeneous IoT
Y Hao, Y Miao, L Hu, MS Hossain, G Muhammad, SU Amin
IEEE Network 33 (2), 58-64, 2019
Label-less learning for traffic control in an edge network
M Chen, Y Hao, K Lin, Z Yuan, L Hu
IEEE Network 32 (6), 8-14, 2018
Opportunistic task scheduling over co-located clouds in mobile environment
M Chen, Y Hao, CF Lai, D Wu, Y Li, K Hwang
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 11 (3), 549-561, 2016
Label-less learning for emotion cognition
M Chen, Y Hao
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (7), 2430-2440, 2019
Ready player one: UAV-clustering-based multi-task offloading for vehicular VR/AR gaming
L Hu, Y Tian, J Yang, T Taleb, L Xiang, Y Hao
IEEE Network 33 (3), 42-48, 2019
論文 1–20