Arslan Sheikh
Arslan Sheikh
COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan.
確認したメール アドレス: comsats.edu.pk - ホームページ
Faculty awareness, use and attitudes towards scholarly open access: A Pakistani perspective
A Sheikh
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 1-17, 2017
Scholarly research in Library and Information Science: an analysis based on ISI Web of Science
K Ahmad, A Sheikh, M Rafi
Performance Measurement and Metrics 21 (1), 18-32, 2020
A study of the determinants of postgraduate students’ satisfaction of using online research databases
AYMA Islam, A Sheikh
Journal of Information Science 46 (2), 273-287, 2020
Information and communication technology skills among library and information science professionals: A predictor of enhanced library services
S Ahmed, A Sheikh
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 53 (3), 444-453, 2021
Evolution of research data management in academic libraries: A review of the literature
A Sheikh, A Malik, R Adnan
Information Development, 02666669231157405, 2023
Awareness and Use of Academic Social Networking Websites by the Faculty of CIIT
A Sheikh
Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML) 5, 177-188., 2016
Impact of personality traits on information needs and seeking behavior of LIS students in Pakistan
S Ahmed, F Rehman, A Sheikh
Information Discovery and Delivery 47 (3), 125-134, 2019
Development of Information Commons in University Libraries of Pakistan: The Current Scenario
A Sheikh
The Journal of Academic Librarianship 41 (2), 130-139, 2015
Impact of social media on the academic performance of college students in Kashmir
IA Palla, A Sheikh
Information Discovery and Delivery 49 (4), 298-307, 2021
Implementing Knowledge Management in University Libraries of Punjab, Pakistan
S Ahmed, A Sheikh, M Akram
Information Discovery and Delivery 46 (2), 83-94, 2018
An investigation of emerging COVID-19 research trends and future implications for LIS field: A bibliometric mapping and visualization
A Sheikh, N Siddique, S Qutab, MA Khan, K Mahmood
Journal of librarianship and information science 55 (1), 3-17, 2023
Evaluating the usability of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology library web site: a case study
A Sheikh
The Electronic Library 35 (1), 121-136., 2017
Research Productivity of LIS Schools in Pakistan: A Study of MPhil and PhD Theses to 2015
A Sheikh, SU Jan
Portal: Libraries and the Academy 17 (3), 451–470., 2017
The international open access movement and its status in Pakistan
A Sheikh
portal: Libraries and the Academy 20 (1), 15-31, 2020
Quality of CIIT Library Services and Users’ satisfaction: A survey of students, faculty and staff members
A Sheikh
Libri 64 (1), 49-60, 2014
Impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) on student’s learning: a case from university of the Punjab, Pakistan
T Ahmad, A Sheikh
Digital Library Perspectives 38 (2), 205-221, 2022
Use of Social Media Tools by Reputed University Libraries of the World: A Comparative Study
A Sheikh, KA Syed, MM Naseer
Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal 47 (2), 45-55, 2016
Research practices of LIS professionals in Pakistan: A study of attitudes, involvement and competencies
A Sheikh, A Malik, K Mahmood
Journal of Information Science 48 (5), 587-599, 2022
Developing an open source mobile app in library services: the case of a national university in Malaysia
Z Ajab Mohideen, A Sheikh, K Kaur
Digital Library Perspectives 38 (3), 283-300, 2022
Relationship between organizational culture and knowledge sharing: A study of university librarians
S Ahmed, A Ashraf, A Sheikh
Libri 70 (2), 143-156, 2020
論文 1–20