Denis Candusso
Denis Candusso
Research Director, with Université Gustave Eiffel and SATIE (UMR 8029), Partner of FCLAB (UAR 2200)
確認したメール アドレス: univ-eiffel.fr - ホームページ
A review on polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell catalyst degradation and starvation issues: Causes, consequences and diagnostic for mitigation
N Yousfi-Steiner, P Moçotéguy, D Candusso, D Hissel
Journal of Power Sources 194 (1), 130-145, 2009
A review on PEM voltage degradation associated with water management: Impacts, influent factors and characterization
N Yousfi-Steiner, P Moçotéguy, D Candusso, D Hissel, A Hernandez, ...
Journal of power sources 183 (1), 260-274, 2008
Diagnosis of polymer electrolyte fuel cells failure modes (flooding & drying out) by neural networks modeling
NY Steiner, D Hissel, P Moçotéguy, D Candusso
International journal of hydrogen energy 36 (4), 3067-3075, 2011
Non intrusive diagnosis of polymer electrolyte fuel cells by wavelet packet transform
NY Steiner, D Hissel, P Moçotéguy, D Candusso
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36 (1), 740-746, 2011
Comparison between two PEM fuel cell durability tests performed at constant current and under solicitations linked to transport mission profile
B Wahdame, D Candusso, X François, F Harel, MC Péra, D Hissel, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (17), 4523-4536, 2007
Design of experiment techniques for fuel cell characterisation and development
B Wahdame, D Candusso, X Francois, F Harel, JM Kauffmann, G Coquery
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34 (2), 967-980, 2009
Impact of power converter current ripple on the durability of a fuel cell stack
B Wahdame, L Girardot, D Hissel, F Harel, X François, D Candusso, ...
2008 IEEE international symposium on industrial electronics, 1495-1500, 2008
Fuzzy-clustering durability diagnosis of polymer electrolyte fuel cells dedicated to transportation applications
D Hissel, D Candusso, F Harel
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 56 (5), 2414-2420, 2007
Study of gas pressure and flow rate influences on a 500 W PEM fuel cell, thanks to the experimental design methodology
B Wahdame, D Candusso, JM Kauffmann
Journal of power sources 156 (1), 92-99, 2006
Fuel cells static and dynamic characterizations as tools for the estimation of their ageing time
R Onanena, L Oukhellou, D Candusso, F Harel, D Hissel, P Aknin
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36 (2), 1730-1739, 2011
Application of fault tree analysis to fuel cell diagnosis
N Yousfi Steiner, D Hissel, P Mocoteguy, D Candusso, D Marra, ...
Fuel cells 12 (2), 302-309, 2012
Characterisation and modelling of a 5 kW PEMFC for transportation applications
D Candusso, F Harel, A De Bernardinis, X Francois, MC Péra, D Hissel, ...
International journal of hydrogen energy 31 (8), 1019-1030, 2006
Diagnosis methods dedicated to the localisation of failed cells within PEMFC stacks
G Tian, S Wasterlain, I Endichi, D Candusso, F Harel, X François, ...
Journal of Power Sources 182 (2), 449-461, 2008
Modelling, control and simulation of a fuel cell based power supply system with energy management
D Candusso, L Valero, A Walter, S Bacha, E Rullière, B Raison
IEEE 2002 28th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society …, 2002
Development of new test instruments and protocols for the diagnostic of fuel cell stacks
S Wasterlain, D Candusso, F Harel, D Hissel, X Francois
Journal of Power Sources 196 (12), 5325-5333, 2011
Model-based diagnosis for proton exchange membrane fuel cells
NY Steiner, D Candusso, D Hissel, P Moçoteguy
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 81 (2), 158-170, 2010
Effects of mechanical compression on the performance of polymer electrolyte fuel cells and analysis through in-situ characterisation techniques-A review
EM Khetabi, K Bouziane, N Zamel, X François, Y Meyer, D Candusso
Journal of Power Sources 424, 8-26, 2019
Study of temperature, air dew point temperature and reactant flow effects on proton exchange membrane fuel cell performances using electrochemical spectroscopy and voltammetry …
S Wasterlain, D Candusso, D Hissel, F Harel, P Bergman, P Menard, ...
Journal of Power Sources 195 (4), 984-993, 2010
Mechanical behaviour of a fuel cell stack under vibrating conditions linked to aircraft applications part I: Experimental
V Rouss, P Lesage, S Bégot, D Candusso, W Charon, F Harel, X François, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33 (22), 6755-6765, 2008
Fuel cell operation under degraded working modes and study of diode by-pass circuit dedicated to multi-stack association
D Candusso, A De Bernardinis, MC Péra, F Harel, X François, D Hissel, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 49 (4), 880-895, 2008
論文 1–20