Francis  Secheresse
Francis Secheresse
Professeur de Chimie, Universite de Versailles
確認したメール アドレス: なし
Stable polyoxometalate insertion within the mesoporous metal organic framework MIL-100 (Fe)
R Canioni, C Roch-Marchal, F Sécheresse, P Horcajada, C Serre, ...
Journal of materials chemistry 21 (4), 1226-1233, 2011
Zeolitic polyoxometalate-based metal− organic frameworks (Z-POMOFs): Computational evaluation of hypothetical polymorphs and the successful targeted synthesis of the redox …
L Marleny Rodriguez-Albelo, AR Ruiz-Salvador, A Sampieri, DW Lewis, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (44), 16078-16087, 2009
Hybrid Organic–Inorganic 1D and 2D Frameworks with ε‐Keggin Polyoxomolybdates as Building Blocks
A Dolbecq, P Mialane, L Lisnard, J Marrot, F Sécheresse
Chemistry–A European Journal 9 (12), 2914-2920, 2003
Iron Polyoxometalate Single‐Molecule Magnets
JD Compain, P Mialane, A Dolbecq, IM Mbomekallé, J Marrot, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48 (17), 3077-3081, 2009
Solid-State and Solution Studies of {Lnn(SiW11O39)} Polyoxoanions: An Example of Building Block Condensation Dependent on the Nature of the Rare Earth
P Mialane, L Lisnard, A Mallard, J Marrot, E Antic-Fidancev, P Aschehoug, ...
Inorganic chemistry 42 (6), 2102-2108, 2003
Effect of cyanato, azido, carboxylato, and carbonato ligands on the formation of cobalt (II) polyoxometalates: characterization, magnetic, and electrochemical studies of …
L Lisnard, P Mialane, A Dolbecq, J Marrot, JM Clemente‐Juan, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 13 (12), 3525-3536, 2007
Functionalization of polyoxometalates by carboxylato and azido ligands: macromolecular complexes and extended compounds
P Mialane, A Dolbecq, F Sécheresse
Chemical Communications, 3477-3485, 2006
[ε‐PMo12O36 (OH) 4 {La (H2O) 4} 4] 5+: The First ε‐PMo12O40 Keggin Ion and Its Association with the Two‐Electron‐Reduced α‐PMo12O40 Isomer
P Mialane, A Dolbecq, L Lisnard, A Mallard, J Marrot, F Sécheresse
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 41 (13), 2398-2401, 2002
A Nonanuclear Copper(II) Polyoxometalate Assembled Around a μ‐1,1,1,3,3,3‐Azido Ligand and Its Parent Tetranuclear Complex
P Mialane, A Dolbecq, J Marrot, E Rivière, F Sécheresse
Chemistry–A European Journal 11 (6), 1771-1778, 2005
Molecular and multidimensional polyoxotungstates functionalized by {Cu (bpy)} 2+ groups
L Lisnard, A Dolbecq, P Mialane, J Marrot, E Codjovi, F Sécheresse
Dalton Transactions, 3913-3920, 2005
Characterization and electrochemical properties of molecular icosanuclear and bidimensional hexanuclear Cu (II) azido polyoxometalates
C Pichon, P Mialane, A Dolbecq, J Marrot, E Riviere, B Keita, L Nadjo, ...
Inorganic chemistry 46 (13), 5292-5301, 2007
Structural and Magnetic Properties of MnIII and CuII Tetranuclear Azido Polyoxometalate Complexes: Multifrequency High‐Field EPR Spectroscopy of Cu4 Clusters with S= 1 and S= 2 …
P Mialane, C Duboc, J Marrot, E Rivière, A Dolbecq, F Sécheresse
Chemistry–A European Journal 12 (7), 1950-1959, 2006
Functionalized polyoxometalates with covalently linked bisphosphonate, N-donor or carboxylate ligands: from electrocatalytic to optical properties
A Dolbecq, P Mialane, F Secheresse, B Keita, L Nadjo
Chemical communications 48 (67), 8299-8316, 2012
Hydrothermal syntheses and characterizations of 0D to 3D polyoxotungstates linked by copper ions
L Lisnard, A Dolbecq, P Mialane, J Marrot, F Sécheresse
Inorganica chimica acta 357 (3), 845-852, 2004
A building block strategy to access sulfur-functionalized polyoxometalate based systems using {Mo 2 S 2 O 2} and {Mo 3 S 4} as constitutional units, linkers or templates
E Cadot, MN Sokolov, VP Fedin, C Simonnet-Jégat, S Floquet, ...
Chemical Society Reviews 41 (22), 7335-7353, 2012
A Supramolecular Tetradecanuclear Copper(II) Polyoxotungstate
P Mialane, A Dolbecq, J Marrot, E Rivière, F Sécheresse
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 42 (30), 3523-3526, 2003
“Wheeling templates” in molecular oxothiomolybdate rings: syntheses, structures, and dynamics
B Salignac, S Riedel, A Dolbecq, F Sécheresse, E Cadot
Journal of the American Chemical Society 122 (42), 10381-10389, 2000
Green Chemistry-Type One-Step Synthesis of Silver Nanostructures Based on MoV–MoVI Mixed-Valence Polyoxometalates
G Zhang, B Keita, A Dolbecq, P Mialane, F Sécheresse, F Miserque, ...
Chemistry of Materials 19 (24), 5821-5823, 2007
Functionalization of Polyoxometalates by a Negatively Charged Bridging Ligand: The Dimeric [(SiW11O39Ln) 2 (μ‐CH3COO) 2] 12−(Ln= GdIII, YbIII) Complexes
P Mialane, A Dolbecq, E Rivière, J Marrot, F Sécheresse
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2004 (1), 33-36, 2004
Molecular architecture of copper (I) thiometallate complexes. Example of a cubane with an extra face,(NPr4) 3 [MS4Cu4Cl5] M Mo, W
Y Jeannin, F Sécheresse, S Bernès, F Robert
Inorganica chimica acta 198, 493-505, 1992
論文 1–20