Wayne Landsman
Wayne Landsman
KPMG Distinguished Professor of Accounting, University of North Carolina
確認したメール アドレス: unc.edu
International accounting standards and accounting quality
ME Barth, WR Landsman, MH Lang
Journal of accounting research 46 (3), 467-498, 2008
The relevance of the value relevance literature for financial accounting standard setting: another view
ME Barth, WH Beaver, WR Landsman
Journal of accounting and economics 31 (1-3), 77-104, 2001
Relative valuation roles of equity book value and net income as a function of financial health
ME Barth, WH Beaver, WR Landsman
Journal of accounting and economics 25 (1), 1-34, 1998
Are IFRS-based and US GAAP-based accounting amounts comparable?
ME Barth, WR Landsman, M Lang, C Williams
Journal of accounting and economics 54 (1), 68-93, 2012
Value-relevance of banks' fair value disclosures under SFAS No. 107
ME Barth, WH Beaver, WR Landsman
Accounting review, 513-537, 1996
Auditors' perceived business risk and audit fees: Analysis and evidence
TB Bell, WR Landsman, DA Shackelford
Journal of Accounting research 39 (1), 35-43, 2001
The information content of annual earnings announcements and mandatory adoption of IFRS
WR Landsman, EL Maydew, JR Thornock
Journal of accounting and economics 53 (1-2), 34-54, 2012
How did financial reporting contribute to the financial crisis?
ME Barth, WR Landsman
European accounting review 19 (3), 399-423, 2010
Has the information content of quarterly earnings announcements declined in the past three decades?
WR Landsman, EL Maydew
Journal of Accounting Research 40 (3), 797-808, 2002
Accruals, cash flows, and equity values
ME Barth, WH Beaver, JRM Hand, WR Landsman
Review of Accounting studies 4, 205-229, 1999
Cost of capital and earnings transparency
ME Barth, Y Konchitchki, WR Landsman
Journal of accounting and economics 55 (2-3), 206-224, 2013
Fair value accounting: Effects on banks' earnings volatility, regulatory capital, and value of contractual cash flows
ME Barth, WR Landsman, JM Wahlen
Journal of banking & finance 19 (3-4), 577-605, 1995
Is fair value accounting information relevant and reliable? Evidence from capital market research
WR Landsman
Accounting and business research 37 (sup1), 19-30, 2007
Fundamental issues related to using fair value accounting for financial reporting
ME Barth, WR Landsman
Accounting horizons 9 (4), 97, 1995
Do managerial incentives drive cost behavior? Evidence about the role of the zero earnings benchmark for labor cost behavior in private Belgian firms
B Dierynck, WR Landsman, A Renders
The Accounting Review 87 (4), 1219-1246, 2012
An empirical investigation of pension fund property rights
W Landsman
Accounting Review, 662-691, 1986
When is bad news really bad news?
J Conrad, B Cornell, WR Landsman
The Journal of Finance 57 (6), 2507-2532, 2002
The market valuation implications of net periodic pension cost components
ME Barth, WH Beaver, WR Landsman
Journal of Accounting and Economics 15 (1), 27-62, 1992
Auditor switches in the pre‐and post‐Enron eras: Risk or realignment?
WR Landsman, KK Nelson, BR Rountree
The Accounting Review 84 (2), 531-558, 2009
The pricing of dividends in equity valuation
JRM Hand, WR Landsman
Journal of business finance & accounting 32 (3‐4), 435-469, 2005
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