Tyler H. Shaw
Tyler H. Shaw
Associate Professor, George Mason University
確認したメール アドレス: gmu.edu
From ‘automation’to ‘autonomy’: the importance of trust repair in human–machine interaction
EJ De Visser, R Pak, TH Shaw
Ergonomics 61 (10), 1409-1427, 2018
Towards a theory of longitudinal trust calibration in human–robot teams
EJ De Visser, MMM Peeters, MF Jung, S Kohn, TH Shaw, R Pak, ...
International journal of social robotics 12 (2), 459-478, 2020
Measurement of trust in automation: A narrative review and reference guide
SC Kohn, EJ De Visser, E Wiese, YC Lee, TH Shaw
Frontiers in psychology 12, 604977, 2021
Individual differences in vigilance: Personality, ability and states of stress
TH Shaw, G Matthews, JS Warm, VS Finomore, L Silverman, PT Costa Jr
Journal of Research in Personality 44 (3), 297-308, 2010
Effects of sensory modality on cerebral blood flow velocity during vigilance
TH Shaw, JS Warm, V Finomore, L Tripp, G Matthews, E Weiler, ...
Neuroscience letters 461 (3), 207-211, 2009
Predicting vigilance: A fresh look at an old problem
V Finomore, G Matthews, T Shaw, J Warm
Ergonomics 52 (7), 791-808, 2009
Team structure and team building improve human–machine teaming with autonomous agents
JC Walliser, EJ de Visser, E Wiese, TH Shaw
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making 13 (4), 258-278, 2019
Effects of warned and unwarned demand transitions on vigilance performance and stress
WS Helton, T Shaw, JS Warm, G Matthews, P Hancock
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 21 (2), 173-184, 2008
Viewing the workload of vigilance through the lenses of the NASA-TLX and the MRQ
VS Finomore Jr, TH Shaw, JS Warm, G Matthews, DB Boles
Human Factors 55 (6), 1044-1063, 2013
Detecting threat-related intentional actions of others: effects of image quality, response mode, and target cuing on vigilance.
R Parasuraman, E de Visser, E Clarke, WR McGarry, E Hussey, T Shaw, ...
Journal of experimental psychology: applied 15 (4), 275, 2009
Trust repair strategies with self-driving vehicles: An exploratory study
SC Kohn, D Quinn, R Pak, EJ De Visser, TH Shaw
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 62 (1 …, 2018
The sustained attention to response task (SART) does not promote mindlessness during vigilance performance
MB Dillard, JS Warm, GJ Funke, ME Funke, VS Finomore Jr, G Matthews, ...
Human factors 56 (8), 1364-1379, 2014
Event-related cerebral hemodynamics reveal target-specific resource allocation for both “go” and “no-go” response-based vigilance tasks
TH Shaw, ME Funke, M Dillard, GJ Funke, JS Warm, R Parasuraman
Brain and cognition 82 (3), 265-273, 2013
Team performance in networked supervisory control of unmanned air vehicles: Effects of automation, working memory, and communication content
R McKendrick, T Shaw, E de Visser, H Saqer, B Kidwell, R Parasuraman
Human factors 56 (3), 463-475, 2014
Predicting battlefield vigilance: A multivariate approach to assessment of attentional resources
G Matthews, JS Warm, TH Shaw, VS Finomore
Ergonomics 57 (6), 856-875, 2014
Effects of regular or irregular event schedules on cerebral hemovelocity during a sustained attention task
T Shaw, V Finomore, J Warm, G Matthews
Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology 34 (1), 57-66, 2012
Using cerebral hemovelocity to measure workload during a spatialised auditory vigilance task in novice and experienced observers
TH Shaw, K Satterfield, R Ramirez, V Finomore
Ergonomics 56 (8), 1251-1263, 2013
Modeling human-automation team performance in networked systems: Individual differences in working memory count
E de Visser, T Shaw, A Mohamed-Ameen, R Parasuraman
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 54 …, 2010
Application of a system-wide trust strategy when supervising multiple autonomous agents
JC Walliser, EJ de Visser, TH Shaw
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 60 (1 …, 2016
The influence of risky conditions in trust in autonomous systems
K Satterfield, C Baldwin, E De Visser, T Shaw
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 61 (1 …, 2017
論文 1–20