Siddhartha Sikdar
Siddhartha Sikdar
University of Washington, George mason university
確認したメール アドレス: gmu.edu - ホームページ
Myofascial trigger points then and now: a historical and scientific perspective
JP Shah, N Thaker, J Heimur, JV Aredo, S Sikdar, L Gerber
PM&R 7 (7), 746-761, 2015
Novel applications of ultrasound technology to visualize and characterize myofascial trigger points and surrounding soft tissue
S Sikdar, JP Shah, T Gebreab, RH Yen, E Gilliams, J Danoff, LH Gerber
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 90 (11), 1829-1838, 2009
Fully dense UNet for 2-D sparse photoacoustic tomography artifact removal
S Guan, AA Khan, S Sikdar, PV Chitnis
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 24 (2), 568-576, 2019
Objective sonographic measures for characterizing myofascial trigger points associated with cervical pain
JJ Ballyns, JP Shah, J Hammond, T Gebreab, LH Gerber, S Sikdar
Journal of ultrasound in medicine 30 (10), 1331-1340, 2011
Dry needling alters trigger points in the upper trapezius muscle and reduces pain in subjects with chronic myofascial pain
LH Gerber, J Shah, W Rosenberger, K Armstrong, D Turo, P Otto, ...
PM&R 7 (7), 711-718, 2015
Novel method for predicting dexterous individual finger movements by imaging muscle activity using a wearable ultrasonic system
S Sikdar, H Rangwala, EB Eastlake, IA Hunt, AJ Nelson, J Devanathan, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 22 (1), 69-76, 2013
Real-time classification of hand motions using ultrasound imaging of forearm muscles
N Akhlaghi, CA Baker, M Lahlou, H Zafar, KG Murthy, HS Rangwala, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63 (8), 1687-1698, 2015
Asymptomatic carotid stenosis is associated with cognitive impairment
BK Lal, MC Dux, S Sikdar, C Goldstein, AA Khan, J Yokemick, L Zhao
Journal of vascular surgery 66 (4), 1083-1092, 2017
Ultrasonic characterization of the upper trapezius muscle in patients with chronic neck pain
D Turo, P Otto, JP Shah, J Heimur, T Gebreab, M Zaazhoa, K Armstrong, ...
Ultrasonic imaging 35 (2), 173-187, 2013
Understanding the vascular environment of myofascial trigger points using ultrasonic imaging and computational modeling
S Sikdar, R Ortiz, T Gebreab, LH Gerber, JP Shah
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2010
Assessment of myofascial trigger points (MTrPs): a new application of ultrasound imaging and vibration sonoelastography
S Sikdar, JP Shah, E Gilliams, T Gebreab, LH Gerber
2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2008
A systematic comparison between subjects with no pain and pain associated with active myofascial trigger points
LH Gerber, S Sikdar, K Armstrong, G Diao, J Heimur, J Kopecky, D Turo, ...
PM&R 5 (11), 931-938, 2013
Office‐based elastographic technique for quantifying mechanical properties of skeletal muscle
JJ Ballyns, D Turo, P Otto, JP Shah, J Hammond, T Gebreab, LH Gerber, ...
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 31 (8), 1209-1219, 2012
Ultrasonic technique for assessing wall vibrations in stenosed blood vessels
KW Beach, Y Kim, S Sikdar
US Patent 7,736,314, 2010
Limited-view and sparse photoacoustic tomography for neuroimaging with deep learning
S Guan, AA Khan, S Sikdar, PV Chitnis
Scientific reports 10 (1), 8510, 2020
Proprioceptive sonomyographic control: A novel method for intuitive and proportional control of multiple degrees-of-freedom for individuals with upper extremity limb loss
AS Dhawan, B Mukherjee, S Patwardhan, N Akhlaghi, G Diao, G Levay, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 9499, 2019
Novel use of ultrasound elastography to quantify muscle tissue changes after dry needling of myofascial trigger points in patients with chronic myofascial pain
D Turo, P Otto, M Hossain, T Gebreab, K Armstrong, WF Rosenberger, ...
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 34 (12), 2149-2161, 2015
A single mediaprocessor-based programmable ultrasound system
S Sikdar, R Managuli, L Gong, V Shamdasani, T Mitake, T Hayashi, Y Kim
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 7 (1), 64-70, 2003
Imaging of high-risk carotid plaques: ultrasound
RS Cires-Drouet, M Mozafarian, A Ali, S Sikdar, BK Lal
Seminars in vascular surgery 30 (1), 44-53, 2017
Beneficial effects of dry needling for treatment of chronic myofascial pain persist for 6 weeks after treatment completion
LH Gerber, S Sikdar, JV Aredo, K Armstrong, WF Rosenberger, H Shao, ...
PM&R 9 (2), 105-112, 2017
論文 1–20