Linked data quality of dbpedia, freebase, opencyc, wikidata, and yago M Färber, F Bartscherer, C Menne, A Rettinger Semantic Web 9 (1), 77-129, 2017 | 501 | 2017 |
A comparative survey of dbpedia, freebase, opencyc, wikidata, and yago M Färber, B Ell, C Menne, A Rettinger Semantic Web Journal 1 (1), 1-5, 2015 | 143 | 2015 |
Mining the Semantic Web: Statistical learning for next generation knowledge bases A Rettinger, U Lösch, V Tresp, C d’Amato, N Fanizzi Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 24, 613-662, 2012 | 140 | 2012 |
Deductive and inductive stream reasoning for semantic social media analytics D Barbieri, D Braga, S Ceri, E Della Valle, Y Huang, V Tresp, A Rettinger, ... IEEE Intelligent Systems 25 (6), 32-41, 2010 | 125 | 2010 |
Intelligent exploration for genetic algorithms: Using self-organizing maps in evolutionary computation HB Amor, A Rettinger Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2005 | 124 | 2005 |
Graph kernels for RDF data U Lösch, S Bloehdorn, A Rettinger Extended semantic web conference, 134-148, 2012 | 116 | 2012 |
Bilingual word embeddings from parallel and non-parallel corpora for cross-language text classification A Mogadala, A Rettinger Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2016 | 109 | 2016 |
Efficient graph-based document similarity C Paul, A Rettinger, A Mogadala, CA Knoblock, P Szekely The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains: 13th International …, 2016 | 82 | 2016 |
Linksum: using link analysis to summarize entity data A Thalhammer, N Lasierra, A Rettinger Web Engineering: 16th International Conference, ICWE 2016, Lugano …, 2016 | 81 | 2016 |
Towards machine learning on the semantic web V Tresp, M Bundschus, A Rettinger, Y Huang International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web, 282-314, 2005 | 72 | 2005 |
Hierarchical bayesian models for collaborative tagging systems M Bundschus, S Yu, V Tresp, A Rettinger, M Dejori, HP Kriegel 2009 Ninth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 728-733, 2009 | 64 | 2009 |
Materializing and querying learned knowledge V Tresp, Y Huang, M Bundschus, A Rettinger Proc. of IRMLeS 2009, 2009 | 61 | 2009 |
Browsing DBpedia entities with summaries A Thalhammer, A Rettinger European Semantic Web Conference, 511-515, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
PageRank on Wikipedia: towards general importance scores for entities A Thalhammer, A Rettinger European Semantic Web Conference, 227-240, 2016 | 54 | 2016 |
X-lisa: Cross-lingual semantic annotation L Zhang, A Rettinger Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 7 (13), 1693-1696, 2014 | 46 | 2014 |
Statistical relational learning with formal ontologies A Rettinger, M Nickles, V Tresp Joint European conference on machine learning and knowledge discovery in …, 2009 | 46 | 2009 |
Statistical relational learning of trust A Rettinger, M Nickles, V Tresp Machine learning 82, 191-209, 2011 | 44 | 2011 |
Multivariate prediction for learning on the semantic web Y Huang, V Tresp, M Bundschus, A Rettinger, HP Kriegel Inductive Logic Programming: 20th International Conference, ILP 2010 …, 2011 | 42 | 2011 |
Measuring proximity between newspapers and political parties: the sentiment political compass F Falck, J Marstaller, N Stoehr, S Maucher, J Ren, A Thalhammer, ... Policy & internet 12 (3), 367-399, 2020 | 41 | 2020 |
A statistical relational model for trust learning. A Rettinger, M Nickles, V Tresp AAMAS (2), 763-770, 2008 | 41 | 2008 |