Rodrigo Garófallo Garcia
Rodrigo Garófallo Garcia
確認したメール アドレス: ufgd.edu.br
A systematic literature review on the use of machine learning in precision livestock farming
R García, J Aguilar, M Toro, A Pinto, P Rodríguez
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 179, 105826, 2020
A systematic literature review on the use of artificial intelligence in energy self-management in smart buildings
J Aguilar, A Garces-Jimenez, MD R-moreno, R García
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151, 111530, 2021
Infrared thermal image for assessing animal health and welfare
RGÛ Garcia, FR Caldara
Structural dynamics of synapses in vivo correlate with functional changes during experience-dependent plasticity in visual cortex
D Tropea, AK Majewska, R Garcia, M Sur
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (33), 11086-11095, 2010
Selecting appropriate bedding to reduce locomotion problems in broilers
ICL Almeida Paz, RG Garcia, R Bernardi, IA Nääs, FR Caldara, ...
Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 12, 189-195, 2010
Efeito do sistema de criação sobre o desempenho e rendimento de carcaça de frangos de corte tipo colonial
SE Takahashi, AA Mendes, E Saldanha, CC Pizzolante, K Pelícia, ...
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 58, 624-632, 2006
Incidence and physical properties of PSE chicken meat in a commercial processing plant
RG Garcia, LW De Freitas, AW Schwingel, RM Farias, FR Caldara, ...
Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 12, 233-237, 2010
Piglets’ surface temperature change at different weights at birth
FR Caldara, LS Dos Santos, ST Machado, M Moi, I de Alencar Nääs, ...
Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences 27 (3), 431, 2014
Aspectos qualitativos de ovos comerciais submetidos a diferentes condições de armazenamento
LW de Freitas, ICLA Paz, RG Garcia, FR Caldara, L de Oliveira Seno, ...
Agrarian 4 (11), 66-72, 2011
Infrared thermography applied to the evaluation of metabolic heat loss of chicks fed with different energy densities
V Ferreira, NS Francisco, M Belloni, GMZ Aguirre, FR Caldara, IA Nääs, ...
Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 13, 113-118, 2011
The use of light-emitting diodes (LED) in commercial layer production
R Borille, RG Garcia, AFB Royer, MR Santana, S Colet, IA Naas, ...
Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 15, 135-140, 2013
Strategic partnering in oil and gas: A capabilities perspective
R Garcia, D Lessard, A Singh
Energy Strategy Reviews 3, 21-29, 2014
Use of prebiotics and probiotics of bacterial and yeast origin for free-range broiler chickens
K Pelícia, AA Mendes, E Saldanha, CC Pizzolante, SE Takahashi, ...
Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 6, 163-169, 2004
Evolução da avicultura de corte no Brasil
WOP Rodrigues, RG Garcia, IA Nääs, CO Rosa, CE Caldarelli
Enciclopédia Biosfera 10 (18), 1666-1684, 2014
Sistemas silvipastoris na região sudeste
Sistemas agroflorestais pecuários: opções de sustentabilidade para áreas …, 2001
Assessment of broiler surface temperature variation when exposed to different air temperatures
GR Nascimento, IA Nääs, DF Pereira, MS Baracho, R Garcia
Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 13, 259-263, 2011
Efeito da densidade populacional sobre desempenho, rendimento de carcaça e qualidade da carne em frangos de corte de diferentes linhagens comerciais
J Moreira, AA Mendes, RO Roça, EA Garcia, IA Naas, RG Garcia, ...
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 33, 1506-1519, 2004
Selecting the most adequate bedding material for broiler production in Brazil
RG Garcia, ICL Almeida Paz, FR Caldara, IA Nääs, DF Pereira, V Ferreira
Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 14, 121-127, 2012
Assessing the eco-efficiency of different poultry production systems: An approach using life cycle assessment and economic value added
G Martinelli, E Vogel, M Decian, MJUS Farinha, LVM Bernardo, ...
Sustainable Production and Consumption 24, 181-193, 2020
Desempenho e qualidade da carne de frangos de corte alimentados com diferentes níveis de sorgo em substituição ao milho
RG Garcia, AA Mendes, C Costa, I Paz, SE Takahashi, KP Pelícia, ...
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 57, 634-643, 2005
論文 1–20