José Ranilla
Introducing a family of linear measures for feature selection in text categorization
EF Combarro, E Montanes, I Diaz, J Ranilla, R Mones
IEEE transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 17 (9), 1223-1232, 2005
The usefulness of artificial intelligence techniques to assess subjective quality of products in the food industry
F Goyache, A Bahamonde, J Alonso, S López, JJ Del Coz, JR Quevedo, ...
Trends in Food Science & Technology 12 (10), 370-381, 2001
Hyper-parameter selection in deep neural networks using parallel particle swarm optimization
PR Lorenzo, J Nalepa, LS Ramos, JR Pastor
Proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion …, 2017
Scoring and selecting terms for text categorization
E Montanes, I Diaz, J Ranilla, EF Combarro, J Fernandez
IEEE Intelligent Systems 20 (3), 40-47, 2005
Using artificial intelligence to design and implement a morphological assessment system in beef cattle
F Goyache, JJ del Coz, JR Quevedo, S López, J Alonso, J Ranilla, ...
Animal Science 73 (1), 49-60, 2001
A study of the performance of classical minimizers in the quantum approximate optimization algorithm
M Fernández-Pendás, EF Combarro, S Vallecorsa, J Ranilla, IF Rúa
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 404, 113388, 2022
Improving performance of text categorization by combining filtering and support vector machines
I Díaz, J Ranilla, E Montañes, J Fernández, EF Combarro
Journal of the American society for information science and technology 55 (7 …, 2004
Classification of semifields of order 64
IF Rúa, EF Combarro, J Ranilla
Journal of Algebra 322 (11), 4011-4029, 2009
Artificial intelligence techniques point out differences in classification performance between light and standard bovine carcasses
J Dıez, A Bahamonde, J Alonso, S López, JJ Del Coz, JR Quevedo, ...
Meat Science 64 (3), 249-258, 2003
Measures of rule quality for feature selection in text categorization
E Montanés, J Fernández, I Díaz, EF Combarro, J Ranilla
international Symposium on Intelligent data analysis, 589-598, 2003
A computationally efficient sound environment classifier for hearing aids
R Gil-Pita, D Ayllón, J Ranilla, C Llerena-Aguilar, I Díaz
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 62 (10), 2358-2368, 2015
F AN: Finding Accurate iNductions
J Ranilla, A Bahamonde
International journal of human-computer studies 56 (4), 445-474, 2002
Energy-efficient allocation of computing node slots in HPC clusters through parameter learning and hybrid genetic fuzzy system modeling
A Cocaña-Fernández, J Ranilla, L Sánchez
The Journal of Supercomputing 71, 1163-1174, 2015
Determination of division algebras with 243 elements
IF Rúa, EF Combarro, J Ranilla
Finite Fields and Their Applications 18 (6), 1148-1155, 2012
Interpretability of fuzzy association rules as means of discovering threats to privacy
L Troiano, LJ Rodriguez-Muniz, J Ranilla, I Díaz
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 89 (3), 325-333, 2012
Collaborative tag recommendation system based on logistic regression
E Montanés, JR Quevedo, I Díaz, J Ranilla
ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge, 173-188, 2009
Neville elimination on multi-and many-core systems: OpenMP, MPI and CUDA
P Alonso, R Cortina, FJ Martínez-Zaldívar, J Ranilla
The Journal of Supercomputing 58, 215-225, 2011
New advances in the computational exploration of semifields
EF Combarro, IF Rúa, J Ranilla
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 88 (9), 1990-2000, 2011
Cochleogram-based adventitious sounds classification using convolutional neural networks
LD Mang, FJ Cañadas-Quesada, JJ Carabias-Orti, EF Combarro, ...
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 82, 104555, 2023
El Nivel de Impureza de una regla de clasificación aprendida a partir de ejemplos.
J Ranilla, R Mones, A Bahamonde
Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 4 …, 1997
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