Critical review: Grand challenges in assessing the adverse effects of contaminants of emerging concern on aquatic food webs E Nilsen, KL Smalling, L Ahrens, M Gros, KSB Miglioranza, Y Picó, ... Environmental toxicology and chemistry 38 (1), 46-60, 2019 | 234 | 2019 |
Occurrence of glyphosate and AMPA in an agricultural watershed from the southeastern region of Argentina L Lupi, KSB Miglioranza, VC Aparicio, D Marino, F Bedmar, DA Wunderlin Science of the total environment 536, 687-694, 2015 | 200 | 2015 |
Dynamics of organochlorine pesticides in soils from a southeastern region of Argentina KSB Miglioranza, JE Aizpún de Moreno, VJ Moreno Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22 (4), 712-717, 2003 | 159 | 2003 |
Sorption of lipophilic organic compounds to wood and implications for their environmental fate S Trapp, KSB Miglioranza, H Mosbæk Environmental Science & Technology 35 (8), 1561-1566, 2001 | 155 | 2001 |
Assessing pesticide leaching and desorption in soils with different agricultural activities from Argentina (Pampa and Patagonia) M Gonzalez, KSB Miglioranza, JE Aizpún, FI Isla, A Peña Chemosphere 81 (3), 351-358, 2010 | 136 | 2010 |
Pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs and their metabolites in fish from Argentina: implications for protected areas influenced by urbanization PM Ondarza, SP Haddad, E Avigliano, KSB Miglioranza, BW Brooks Science of the total Environment 649, 1029-1037, 2019 | 134 | 2019 |
Glyphosate runoff and its occurrence in rainwater and subsurface soil in the nearby area of agricultural fields in Argentina. L Lupi, F Bedmar, M Puricelli, D Marino, VC Aparicio, D Wunderlin, ... Chemosphere 225, 906-914, 2019 | 123 | 2019 |
Assessment of Argentinean Patagonia pollution: PBDEs, OCPs and PCBs in different matrices from the Río Negro basin KSB Miglioranza, M Gonzalez, PM Ondarza, VM Shimabukuro, FI Isla, ... Science of the Total Environment 452, 275-285, 2013 | 120 | 2013 |
PBDEs, PCBs and organochlorine pesticides distribution in edible fish from Negro River basin, Argentinean Patagonia PM Ondarza, M Gonzalez, G Fillmann, KSB Miglioranza Chemosphere 94, 135-142, 2014 | 118 | 2014 |
Toward sustainable environmental quality: Identifying priority research questions for Latin America TH Furley, J Brodeur, HC Silva de Assis, P Carriquiriborde, KR Chagas, ... Integrated environmental assessment and management 14 (3), 344-357, 2018 | 114 | 2018 |
Striped weakfish (Cynoscion guatucupa): a biomonitor of organochlorine pesticides in estuarine and near-coastal zones AL Lanfranchi, ML Menone, KSB Miglioranza, LJ Janiot, JE Aizpun, ... Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (1), 74-80, 2006 | 111 | 2006 |
Organochlorine pesticides sequestered in the aquatic macrophyte Schoenoplectus californicus (CA Meyer) Sojak from a shallow lake in Argentina KSB Miglioranza, JEA de Moreno, VJ Moreno Water Research 38 (7), 1765-1772, 2004 | 105 | 2004 |
Fate of organochlorine pesticides in soils and terrestrial biota of “Los Padres” pond watershed, Argentina KSB Miglioranza, JEA De Moreno, VJ Moreno, ML Osterrieth, ... Environmental pollution 105 (1), 91-99, 1999 | 91 | 1999 |
Occurrence and Distribution of Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Crops from Organic Production M Gonzalez, KSB Miglioranza, JE Aizpún de Moreno, VJ Moreno Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51 (5), 1353-1359, 2003 | 87 | 2003 |
Potential use of edible crops in the phytoremediation of endosulfan residues in soil FM Mitton, M Gonzalez, JM Monserrat, KSB Miglioranza Chemosphere 148, 300-306, 2016 | 86 | 2016 |
Effects of amendments on soil availability and phytoremediation potential of aged p, p′-DDT, p, p′-DDE and p, p′-DDD residues by willow plants (Salix sp.) FM Mitton, M Gonzalez, A Peña, KSB Miglioranza Journal of Hazardous Materials 203, 62-68, 2012 | 84 | 2012 |
Surface and groundwater pollution by organochlorine compounds in a typical soybean system from the south Pampa, Argentina M Gonzalez, KSB Miglioranza, VM Shimabukuro, OM Quiroz Londoño, ... Environmental Earth Sciences 65, 481-491, 2012 | 78 | 2012 |
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in fish with different feeding habits inhabiting a shallow lake ecosystem MFS Barni, PM Ondarza, M Gonzalez, R Da Cuña, F Meijide, F Grosman, ... Science of the Total Environment 550, 900-909, 2016 | 77 | 2016 |
Evaluation of conventionally and organically produced vegetables for high lipophilic organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues M Gonzalez, KSB Miglioranza, JEA de Moreno, VJ Moreno Food and Chemical Toxicology 43 (2), 261-269, 2005 | 75 | 2005 |
Influence of land use on chlorpyrifos and persistent organic pollutant levels in honey bees, bee bread and honey: Beehive exposure assessment A Villalba, M Maggi, PM Ondarza, N Szawarski, KSB Miglioranza Science of the Total Environment 713, 136554, 2020 | 73 | 2020 |