Xu Chenxi
Xu Chenxi
確認したメール アドレス: shnu.edu.cn
Drought-responsive mechanisms in plant leaves revealed by proteomics
X Wang, X Cai, C Xu, Q Wang, S Dai
International journal of molecular sciences 17 (10), 1706, 2016
Draft genome of spinach and transcriptome diversity of 120 Spinacia accessions
C Xu, C Jiao, H Sun, X Cai, X Wang, C Ge, Y Zheng, W Liu, X Sun, Y Xu, ...
Nature communications 8, 15275, 2017
Characterization of a eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A homolog from Tamarix androssowii involved in plant abiotic stress tolerance
L Wang, C Xu, C Wang, Y Wang
BMC plant biology 12 (1), 118, 2012
Proteomics and Phosphoproteomics of heat stress-responsive mechanisms in spinach
Q Zhao, W Chen, J Bian, H Xie, Y Li, C Xu, J Ma, S Guo, J Chen, X Cai, ...
Frontiers in plant science 9, 2018
Diversity, distribution, and evolution of tomato viruses in China uncovered by small RNA sequencing
C Xu, X Sun, A Taylor, C Jiao, Y Xu, X Cai, X Wang, C Ge, G Pan, Q Wang, ...
Journal of virology, JVI. 00173-17, 2017
Heat-responsive photosynthetic and signaling pathways in plants: insight from proteomics
X Wang, C Xu, X Cai, Q Wang, S Dai
International journal of molecular sciences 18 (10), 2191, 2017
Analysis of Gene Expression Profile of Limonium bicolor under NaHCO3 Stress Using cDNA Microarray
Y Wang, H Ma, G Liu, C Xu, D Zhang, Q Ban
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 26 (3), 241-254, 2008
De novo and comparative transcriptome analysis of cultivated and wild spinach
C Xu, C Jiao, Y Zheng, H Sun, W Liu, X Cai, X Wang, S Liu, Y Xu, B Mou, ...
Scientific reports 5, 17706, 2015
Expression Analysis of Oxalate Metabolic Pathway Genes Reveals Oxalate Regulation Patterns in Spinach
X Cai, C Ge, C Xu, X Wang, S Wang, Q Wang
Molecules 23 (6), 1286, 2018
Ovexpression of a Vacuolar H+-ATPase c Subunit Gene Mediates Physiological Changes Leading to Enhanced Salt Tolerance in Transgenic Tobacco
C Xu, L Zheng, C Gao, C Wang, G Liu, J Jiang, Y Wang
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 29 (2), 424-430, 2011
Generation and analysis of expressed sequence tags from a NaHCO3-treated Limonium bicolor cDNA library
Y Wang, H Ma, G Liu, D Zhang, Q Ban, G Zhang, C Xu, C Yang
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 46 (11), 977-986, 2008
Nitrate Accumulation and Expression Patterns of Genes Involved in Nitrate Transport and Assimilation in Spinach
X Wang, X Cai, C Xu, S Wang, S Dai, Q Wang
Molecules 23 (9), 2231, 2018
Construction of genetic linkage map using genotyping-by-sequencing and identification of QTLs associated with leaf color in spinach
X Cai, C Xu, X Wang, S Wang, Z Zhang, Z Fei, Q Wang
Euphytica 214 (12), 229, 2018
Higher anthocyanin accumulation associated with higher transcription levels of anthocyanin biosynthesis genes in spinach
X Cai, L Lin, X Wang, C Xu, Q Wang
Genome, 1-10, 2018
The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of spinach, Spinacia oleracea L
X Cai, C Jiao, H Sun, X Wang, C Xu, Z Fei, Q Wang
Mitochondrial DNA Part B 2 (1), 339-340, 2017
A eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A from Tamarix androssowii (Tamarisk), TaeIF5A1, can form a homodimer and interact with other proteins
L Wang, C Xu, C Wang, Y Wang
Plant Omics 7 (6), 468, 2014
Cloning and expression analysis of LbVHA-C gene from Limonium bicolor.
LL Jiang, CP Yang, CX Xu, H Ma, YC Wang
Plant Physiology Communications 45 (12), 1155-1159, 2009
Functional analysis of spinach CONSTITUTIVE EXPRESSOR OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED GENES5 (SoCPR5) in plant immunity
T Song, Y Lou, C Xu, X Cai, X Wang, H Ma, T Wang, J Zhou, C Ge, ...
European Journal of Plant Pathology 150 (2), 515-520, 2018
Identification of spinach SIAMESE and analysis of its function in plant immunity
T Wang, T Song, C Xu, X Cai, X Wang, H Ma, J Zhou, C Ge, Q Wang, ...
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 39 (2), 176-183, 2017
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