オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Magali Darré詳細
一般には非公開: 4 件
Micro-structural and quality changes in growing dark-purple eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) as affected by the harvest season
L Valerga, M Darré, MJ Zaro, A Arambarri, AR Vicente, ML Lemoine, ...
Scientia Horticulturae 244, 22-30, 2019
委任: Government of Argentina
Low temperature conditioning improves American eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) storage compatibility
M Darré, L Valerga, MJ Zaro, ML Lemoine, A Concellón, AR Vicente
The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 97 (6), 773-784, 2022
委任: Government of Argentina
The plant age influences eggplant fruit growth, metabolic activity, texture and shelf-life
L Valerga, M Darré, MJ Zaro, AR Vicente, ML Lemoine, A Concellón
Scientia Horticulturae 272, 109590, 2020
委任: Government of Argentina
Harvest date affects purple eggplant quality and postharvest life
L Valerga, M Darré, MJ Zaro, AR Vicente, ML Lemoine, A Concellón
International Journal of Vegetable Science 27 (3), 238-245, 2021
委任: Government of Argentina
一般公開: 9 件
Postharvest ultraviolet radiation in fruit and vegetables: Applications and factors modulating its efficacy on bioactive compounds and microbial growth
M Darré, AR Vicente, L Cisneros-Zevallos, F Artés-Hernández
Foods 11 (5), 653, 2022
委任: Government of Argentina
Role of UV-B irradiation dose and intensity on color retention and antioxidant elicitation in broccoli florets (Brassica oleracea var. Italica)
M Darré, L Valerga, LCO Araque, ML Lemoine, PV Demkura, AR Vicente, ...
Postharvest biology and technology 128, 76-82, 2017
委任: Government of Argentina
Cyclic low dose UV-C treatments retain strawberry fruit quality more effectively than conventional pre-storage single high fluence applications
LCO Araque, LM Rodoni, M Darré, CM Ortiz, PM Civello, AR Vicente
Lwt 92, 304-311, 2018
委任: Government of Argentina
Short UV‐C treatment prevents browning and extends the shelf‐life of fresh‐cut Carambola
C Moreno, MJ Andrade-Cuvi, MJ Zaro, M Darre, AR Vicente, A Concellón
Journal of Food Quality 2017 (1), 2548791, 2017
委任: Government of Argentina
Quality and yield of Ricotta cheese as affected by milk fat content and coagulant type
LC Ortiz Araque, M Darré, CM Ortiz, JF Massolo, AR Vicente
International Journal of Dairy Technology 71 (2), 340-346, 2018
委任: Government of Argentina
Role of UV-C irradiation scheme on cell wall disassembly and surface mechanical properties in strawberry fruit
LCO Araque, CM Ortiz, M Darré, LM Rodoni, PM Civello, AR Vicente
Postharvest Biology and Technology 150, 122-128, 2019
委任: Government of Argentina
Eggplant grafting on a cold‐tolerant rootstock reduces fruit chilling susceptibility and improves antioxidant stability during storage
M Darré, L Valerga, MJ Zaro, ML Lemoine, A Concellón, AR Vicente
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 102 (8), 3350-3358, 2022
委任: Government of Argentina
Melatonin combined with wax treatment enhances tolerance to chilling injury in red bell pepper
M Darré, MJ Zaro, M Guijarro-Fuertes, L Careri, A Concellón
Metabolites 14 (6), 330, 2024
委任: Government of Argentina
Comportamiento poscosecha de frutos de berenjena violeta proveniente de plantas injertadas
M Darré, L Valerga, LC Ortiz Araque, MJ Zaro, AR Vicente, ML Lemoine, ...
I Congreso Argentino de Biología y Tecnología Poscosecha y IX Jornadas …, 2017
委任: Government of Argentina
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