Gerrit Anton de Waal
Gerrit Anton de Waal
確認したメール アドレス: bond.edu.au - ホームページ
Entrepreneurship as the unsung hero during the current COVID-19 economic crisis: Australian perspectives
A Maritz, A Perenyi, G De Waal, C Buck
Sustainability 12 (11), 4612, 2020
Innovation education programs: toward a conceptual framework
A Maritz, A De Waal, S Buse, C Herstatt, A Lassen, R Maclachlan
European Journal of Innovation Management 17 (2), 166-182, 2014
Innovation and social entrepreneurship at the bottom of the pyramid-A conceptual framework
T Pervez, A Maritz, A De Waal
South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 16 (5), 54-66, 2013
Applying multiple perspectives to the design of a commercialization process
DR Prebble, GA De Waal, C De Groot
R&d Management 38 (3), 311-320, 2008
Innovation tool adoption and adaptation in small technology-based firms
GA De Waal, P Knott
International Journal of Innovation Management 17 (03), 1340012, 2013
A disruptive model for delivering higher education programs within the context of entrepreneurship education
GA De Waal, A Maritz
Education + Training, 1-15, 2022
Senior entrepreneurship in Australia: Active ageing and extending working lives
A Maritz, R Zolin, A De Waal, R Fisher, A Perenyi, B Eager
Swinburne, 2015
Entrepreneurship as the unsung hero during the current COVID-19 economic crisis: Australian perspectives. Sustainability, 12 (11), 4612
A Maritz, A Perenyi, G De Waal, C Buck
Frugal Innovation: A Global Research Companion
AJ McMurray, GA de Waal
Routledge - https://www.crcpress.com/Frugal-Innovation-A-Global-Research …, 2019
Frugal innovation and the new product development process: insights from Indonesia
SBM Cadeddu, JD Donovan, C Topple, GA De Waal, EK Masli
Routledge, 2019
Managing innovation: a typology of theories and some practical implications for New Zealand firms
A De Waal, A Maritz, D Prebble
Swinburne, 2007
An extended conceptual framework for product-market innovation
GA De Waal
International Journal of Innovation Management 20 (05), 1640008, 2016
Patterns and drivers of NPD tool adoption in small high-technology firms
GA de Waal, P Knott
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 63 (4), 350-361, 2016
Entrepreneurial and Innovative Marketing: A Systematic Review of the Literature
A Maritz, A de Waal, B Verhoeven
International Journal of Innovative Marketing 7 (4), 29-39, 2011
A conceptual framework for guiding business transformation and organizational change in innovative ICT projects
GA De Waal, A Maritz, H Scheepers, S McLoughlin, B Hempel
International Journal of Organizational Innovation (Online) 7 (2), 6, 2014
Drivers of thoroughness of NPD tool use in small high-tech firms
GA de Waal, P Knott
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 53 (July–September 2019), 19-32, 2019
NPD tools, thoroughness and performance in small firms
GA De Waal, P Knott
International Journal of Innovation Management 23 (06), 1950050, 2019
Product development: An integrative tool and activity research framework
GA de Waal, P Knott
Human Systems Management 29 (4), 253-264, 2010
Process and strategy influences on product development performance in New Zealand
GA De Waal, P Knott
Small Enterprise Research 17 (2), 193-206, 2010
Educating engineers: a postgraduate entrepreneurship and innovation perspective
A Maritz, GA de Waal, CJ Shieh
International Journal of Engineering Education 30 (2), 291-301, 2014
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