A descriptive framework of workspace awareness for real-time groupware C Gutwin, S Greenberg Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 11, 411-446, 2002 | 1716 | 2002 |
KEA: Practical automatic keyphrase extraction IH Witten, GW Paynter, E Frank, C Gutwin, CG Nevill-Manning Proceedings of the fourth ACM conference on Digital libraries, 254-255, 1999 | 1585 | 1999 |
Domain-specific keyphrase extraction E Frank, GW Paynter, IH Witten, C Gutwin, CG Nevill-Manning Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA, 1999 | 1041 | 1999 |
Multiple wheat genomes reveal global variation in modern breeding S Walkowiak, L Gao, C Monat, G Haberer, MT Kassa, J Brinton, ... Nature 588 (7837), 277-283, 2020 | 769 | 2020 |
Useful junk? The effects of visual embellishment on comprehension and memorability of charts S Bateman, RL Mandryk, C Gutwin, A Genest, D McDine, C Brooks Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2010 | 652 | 2010 |
Design for individuals, design for groups: tradeoffs between power and workspace awareness C Gutwin, S Greenberg Proceedings of the 1998 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 1998 | 578 | 1998 |
Group awareness in distributed software development C Gutwin, R Penner, K Schneider Proceedings of the 2004 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 2004 | 574 | 2004 |
Workspace awareness in real-time distributed groupware: Framework, widgets, and evaluation C Gutwin, S Greenberg, M Roseman People and Computers XI: Proceedings of HCI’96, 281-298, 1996 | 541 | 1996 |
Classes of graphs which approximate the complete Euclidean graph JM Keil, CA Gutwin Discrete & Computational Geometry 7, 13-28, 1992 | 477 | 1992 |
Task analysis for groupware usability evaluation: Modeling shared-workspace tasks with the mechanics of collaboration D Pinelle, C Gutwin, S Greenberg ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 10 (4), 281-311, 2003 | 467 | 2003 |
The importance of awareness for team cognition in distributed collaboration. C Gutwin, S Greenberg American Psychological Association, 2004 | 453 | 2004 |
Calibration games: making calibration tasks enjoyable by adding motivating game elements DR Flatla, C Gutwin, LE Nacke, S Bateman, RL Mandryk Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and …, 2011 | 439 | 2011 |
The effects of workspace awareness support on the usability of real-time distributed groupware C Gutwin, S Greenberg ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 6 (3), 243-281, 1999 | 424 | 1999 |
A usability study of awareness widgets in a shared workspace groupware system C Gutwin, M Roseman, S Greenberg Proceedings of the 1996 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 1996 | 416 | 1996 |
Workspace awareness for groupware C Gutwin, S Greenberg Conference Companion on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 208-209, 1996 | 413 | 1996 |
Support for workspace awareness in educational groupware C Gutwin, G Stark, S Greenberg Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 1995 | 412 | 1995 |
Seeing things in the clouds: the effect of visual features on tag cloud selections S Bateman, C Gutwin, M Nacenta Proceedings of the nineteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia …, 2008 | 373 | 2008 |
The mechanics of collaboration: Developing low cost usability evaluation methods for shared workspaces C Gutwin, S Greenberg Proceedings IEEE 9th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies …, 2000 | 371 | 2000 |
A predictive model of menu performance A Cockburn, C Gutwin, S Greenberg Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2007 | 361 | 2007 |
Wedge: clutter-free visualization of off-screen locations S Gustafson, P Baudisch, C Gutwin, P Irani Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2008 | 320 | 2008 |