anne-maria laukkanen
anne-maria laukkanen
professor or Speech Technique and Vocology, Tampere University
確認したメール アドレス: tuni.fi
Acoustic impedance of an artificially lengthened and constricted vocal tract
BH Story, AM Laukkanen, IR Titze
Journal of Voice 14 (4), 455-469, 2000
Acoustic measures and self-reports of vocal fatigue by female teachers
AM Laukkanen, I Ilomäki, K Leppänen, E Vilkman
Journal of voice 22 (3), 283-289, 2008
Vocal tract and glottal function during and after vocal exercising with resonance tube and straw
M Guzman, AM Laukkanen, P Krupa, J Horáček, JG Švec, A Geneid
Journal of voice 27 (4), 523. e19-523. e34, 2013
Can vocal economy in phonation be increased with an artificially lengthened vocal tract? A computer modeling study
IR Titze, AM Laukkanen
Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 32 (4), 147-156, 2007
Effects of a semioccluded vocal tract on laryngeal muscle activity and glottal adduction in a single female subject
AM Laukkanen, IR Titze, H Hoffman, E Finnegan
Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 60 (6), 298-311, 2009
Raising lung pressure and pitch in vocal warm-ups: the use of flow-resistant straws
IR Titze
Journal of Singing-The Official Journal of the National Association of …, 2002
Ihmeellinen ihmisääni
AM Laukkanen, T Leino
Vocal tract changes caused by phonation into a tube: a case study using computer tomography and finite-element modeling
T Vampola, AM Laukkanen, J Horáček, JG Švec
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129 (1), 310-315, 2011
I-vectors meet imitators: on vulnerability of speaker verification systems against voice mimicry.
RG Hautamäki, T Kinnunen, V Hautamäki, T Leino, AM Laukkanen
Interspeech, 930-934, 2013
Air pressure and contact quotient measures during different semioccluded postures in subjects with different voice conditions
M Guzmán, C Castro, S Madrid, C Olavarria, M Leiva, D Muñoz, ...
Journal of voice 30 (6), 759. e1-759. e10, 2016
Effects of voice training and voice hygiene education on acoustic and perceptual speech parameters and self-reported vocal well-being in female teachers
I Ilomäki, AM Laukkanen, K Leppänen, E Vilkman
Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 33 (2), 83-92, 2008
Efficacy of water resistance therapy in subjects diagnosed with behavioral dysphonia: a randomized controlled trial
M Guzman, R Jara, C Olavarria, P Caceres, G Escuti, F Medina, L Medina, ...
Journal of voice 31 (3), 385. e1-385. e10, 2017
The effect of phonation into a straw on the vocal tract adjustments and formant frequencies. A preliminary MRI study on a single subject completed with acoustic results
AM Laukkanen, J Horáček, P Krupa, JG Švec
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (1), 50-57, 2012
Physical variations related to stress and emotional state: a preliminary study
AM Laukkanen, E Vilkman, P Alku, H Oksanen
Journal of Phonetics 24 (3), 313-335, 1996
Automatic versus human speaker verification: The case of voice mimicry
RG Hautamäki, T Kinnunen, V Hautamäki, AM Laukkanen
Speech Communication 72, 13-31, 2015
Relationships between self-evaluations of voice and working conditions, background factors, and phoniatric findings in female teachers
I Ilomäki, K Leppänen, L Kleemola, J Tyrmi, AM Laukkanen, E Vilkman
Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 34 (1), 20-31, 2009
About the so called “resonance tubes” used in Finnish voice training practice: An electroglottographic and acoustic investigation on the effects of this method on the voice …
AM Laukkanen
Scandinavian Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics 17 (3-4), 151-161, 1992
A physiological and acoustic study on voiced bilabial fricative/β:/as a vocal exercise
AM Laukkanen, P Lindholm, E Vilkman, K Haataja, P Alku
Journal of Voice 10 (1), 67-77, 1996
Vocal loading-related changes in male teachers’ voices investigated before and after a working day
AM Laukkanen, E Kankare
Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 58 (4), 229-239, 2006
Formation of the actor's/speaker's formant: a study applying spectrum analysis and computer modeling
T Leino, AM Laukkanen, V Radolf
Journal of voice 25 (2), 150-158, 2011
論文 1–20