Landfill site selection using GIS and AHP: a case study: Behbahan, Iran ZG Rahmat, MV Niri, N Alavi, G Goudarzi, AA Babaei, Z Baboli, ... KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 21 (1), 111-118, 2017 | 206 | 2017 |
Municipal solid waste landfill site selection with geographic information systems and analytical hierarchy process: a case study in Mahshahr County, Iran N Alavi, G Goudarzi, AA Babaei, N Jaafarzadeh, M Hosseinzadeh Waste Management & Research 31 (1), 98-105, 2013 | 174 | 2013 |
Toward a predictive model for estimating viscosity of ternary mixtures containing ionic liquids M Hosseinzadeh, A Hemmati-Sarapardeh Journal of Molecular Liquids 200, 340-348, 2014 | 151 | 2014 |
Nutritional status and quality of life in patients with acute leukaemia prior to and after induction chemotherapy in three hospitals in T ehran, I ran: a prospective study Z Malihi, M Kandiah, YM Chan, M Hosseinzadeh, M Sohanaki Azad, ... Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 26, 123-131, 2013 | 57 | 2013 |
An epidemiological and clinical study on scorpionism in hospitalized children in Khuzestan, Iran B Vazirianzadeh, F Farhadpour, M Hosseinzadeh, M Zarean, ... Journal of arthropod-borne diseases 6 (1), 62, 2012 | 53 | 2012 |
The effect of dietary intake changes on nutritional status in acute leukaemia patients after first induction chemotherapy Z Malihi, M Kandiah, YM Chan, M Esfandbod, M Vakili, M Hosseinzadeh, ... European journal of cancer care 24 (4), 542-552, 2015 | 41 | 2015 |
Removal of cadmium and lead ions from aqueous solution by nanocrystalline magnetite through mechanochemical activation M Hosseinzadeh, SA Seyyed Ebrahimi, S Raygan, SM Masoudpanah Journal of Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials 49 (2), 72-79, 2016 | 32 | 2016 |
Persian Registry of cardioVascular diseasE (PROVE): Design and methodology M Givi, N Sarrafzadegan, M Garakyaraghi, G Yadegarfar, M Sadeghi, ... ARYA atherosclerosis 13 (5), 236, 2017 | 31 | 2017 |
Incidence in overweight and obesity among schoolchildren, Ahvaz-2010 M Aminzadeh, M Hosseinzadeh, R Nikfar, M Ghaderian, ... Jundishapur Scientific Medical Journal 12 (4), 355-3261, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
On the evaluation of density of ionic liquid binary mixtures: Modeling and data assessment A Hemmati-Sarapardeh, M Tashakkori, M Hosseinzadeh, A Mozafari, ... Journal of Molecular Liquids 222, 745-751, 2016 | 25 | 2016 |
A computational intelligence scheme for estimating electrical conductivity of ternary mixtures containing ionic liquids M Hosseinzadeh, A Hemmati-Sarapardeh, F Ameli, F Naderi, M Dastgahi Journal of Molecular Liquids 221, 624-632, 2016 | 24 | 2016 |
Assessing the effects of land use change on hydrologic balance of Kan watershed using SCS and HEC-HMS hydrological models-Tehran, IRAN M Hosseinzadeh, R Esmaili, K Derafshi, S Gharehchahi Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 6 (8), 510-519, 2012 | 24 | 2012 |
Assessment of Blaney-Criddle equation for calculating reference evapotranspiration with NOAA/AVHRR data A Rahimikhoob, M Hosseinzadeh Water resources management 28, 3365-3375, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
Comparison of the therapeutic effects and side effects of tadalafil and sildenafil after surgery in young infants with pulmonary arterial hypertension due to systemic-to … MR Sabri, H Bigdelian, M Hosseinzadeh, A Ahmadi, M Ghaderian, ... Cardiology in the Young 27 (9), 1686-1693, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
An assessment of general health of operational staff of pre-hospital emergency in Golestan province S Kalantari, M Hosseinzadeh J Health Care 18 (4), 359-67, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
Optimization of water consumption in industrial systems using Linear and Nonlinear Programming. M Saeedi, M Hosseinzadeh | 14 | 2006 |
Evaluation of microstructural and mechanical properties of A356 composite strengthened by nanocrystalline V8C7-Al2O3 particles synthesized through mechanically activated sintering M Hosseinzadeh, O Mirzaee, H Mohammadian-Semnani Journal of Alloys and Compounds 782, 995-1007, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
Assessment of immunogenic characteristics of Hemiscorpius lepturus venom and its cross-reactivity with venoms from Androctonus crassicauda and Mesobuthus eupeus S Khanbashi, A Khodadadi, MA Assarehzadegan, MH Pipelzadeh, ... Journal of immunotoxicology 12 (3), 217-222, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
The commencement of congenital heart diseases registry in Isfahan, Iran: Methodology and design B Dehghan, MR Sabri, M Hosseinzadeh, A Ahmadi, M Ghaderian, ... ARYA atherosclerosis 16 (5), 244, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
Hybrid model for strategic management of agricultural water demand in arid regions ME Banihabib, MH Shabestari, M Hosseinzadeh Iran-Water Resources Research 12 (4), 60-69, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |