Amir Banari
Amir Banari
Post-Doc at Centre for Structural Systems Biology
確認したメール アドレス: tuhh.de - ホームページ
Efficient GPGPU implementation of a lattice Boltzmann model for multiphase flows with high density ratios
A Banari, C Janßen, ST Grilli, M Krafczyk
Computers & Fluids 93, 1-17, 2014
An efficient lattice Boltzmann multiphase model for 3D flows with large density ratios at high Reynolds numbers
A Banari, CF Janßen, ST Grilli
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 68 (12), 1819-1843, 2014
The simulation of turbulent particle‐laden channel flow by the Lattice Boltzmann method
A Banari, Y Mauzole, T Hara, ST Grilli, CF Janßen
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 79 (10), 491-513, 2015
Performance of under-resolved, model-free LBM simulations in turbulent shear flows
M Gehrke, A Banari, T Rung
Progress in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling: Papers Contributed to the 7th …, 2020
Evidence of collision-induced resuspension of microscopic particles from a monolayer deposit
A Banari, C Henry, RH Fank Eidt, P Lorenz, K Zimmer, U Hampel, ...
Physical Review Fluids 6 (8), L082301, 2021
Numerical simulation of nonlinear interactions in a naturally transitional flat plate boundary layer
A Banari, M Gehrke, CF Janßen, T Rung
Computers & fluids 203, 104502, 2020
Simulation of particle resuspension by wind in an urban system
A Banari, D Hertel, U Schlink, U Hampel, G Lecrivain
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 23 (1), 41-63, 2023
A hybrid naval hydrodynamic scheme based on an efficient lattice Boltzmann method coupled to a potential flow solver
C O’Reilly, S Grilli, J Dahl, CF Janssen, A Banari, JJ Shock, M Uberrueck
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation …, 2015
Two phase flow simulation with Lattice Boltzmann method: application to wave breaking
A Banari, ST Grilli, CF Janssen
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 55416 …, 2013
Influence of engineered roughness microstructures on adhesion and turbulent resuspension of microparticles
A Banari, K Graebe, M Rudolph, E Mohseni, P Lorenz, K Zimmer, ...
Journal of Aerosol Science 174, 106258, 2023
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of multiphase flows; application to wave breaking and sea spray generation
A Banari
University of Rhode Island, 2014
Dolphin-Inspired Drag Reduction for Ships
LU Schrader, J Marzi, A Banari, CF Janssen, T Rung
ECCOMAS Congress, 2016
An improved two-phase Lattice Boltzmann model for high density ratios: application to wave breaking
A Banari, CF Janßen, ST Grilli
University of Rhode Island, Department of Ocean Engineering, Narragansett …, 0
Evidence of collision-induced effects in particle resuspension
A Banari, C Henry, G Lécrivain
Congrès Français sur les Aérosols 2022, 2022
TransMan-TUHH: Transitionsmanipulation-Simulation von Compliant Coatings
A Banari, T Rung
Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Inst. Fluiddynamik und …, 2020
TRABER-GPU: Transitionsberechnung auf Grafikkarten: Schlussbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben im Verbundprojekt FLIPPER
A Banari, CF Janßen, T Rung
Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Inst. Fluiddynamik und …, 2017
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ID Gepris, DF DFG
The sensitivity of laminar-turbulent transition to Tollmien-Schlichting wave frequency
A Banari, C Janssen, T Rung, LU Schrader, J Marzi
論文 1–18