Ali Shokoufandeh
Ali Shokoufandeh
確認したメール アドレス: cs.drexel.edu
Shock graphs and shape matching
K Siddiqi, A Shokoufandeh, SJ Dickinson, SW Zucker
International Journal of Computer Vision 35, 13-32, 1999
Retrieving articulated 3-D models using medial surfaces
K Siddiqi, J Zhang, D Macrini, A Shokoufandeh, S Bouix, S Dickinson
Machine vision and applications 19, 261-275, 2008
Indexing using a spectral encoding of topological structure
A Shokoufandeh, SJ Dickinson, K Siddiqi, SW Zucker
Proceedings. 1999 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and …, 1999
The regularity lemma and its applications in graph theory
J Komlós, A Shokoufandeh, M Simonovits, E Szemerédi
Summer school on theoretical aspects of computer science, 84-112, 2000
Sentiment classification based on supervised latent n-gram analysis
D Bespalov, B Bai, Y Qi, A Shokoufandeh
Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2011
Object recognition as many-to-many feature matching
MF Demirci, A Shokoufandeh, Y Keselman, L Bretzner, S Dickinson
International Journal of Computer Vision 69, 203-222, 2006
3D object retrieval using many-to-many matching of curve skeletons
ND Cornea, MF Demirci, D Silver, SJ Dickinson, PB Kantor
International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2005 (SMI'05 …, 2005
Indexing hierarchical structures using graph spectra
A Shokoufandeh, D Macrini, S Dickinson, K Siddiqi, SW Zucker
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 27 (7), 1125-1140, 2005
View-based object recognition using saliency maps
A Shokoufandeh, I Marsic, SJ Dickinson
Image and Vision Computing 17 (5-6), 445-460, 1999
Reeb graph based shape retrieval for CAD
D Bespalov, WC Regli, A Shokoufandeh
International design engineering technical conferences and computers and …, 2003
Landmark selection for vision-based navigation
P Sala, R Sim, A Shokoufandeh, S Dickinson
IEEE Transactions on robotics 22 (2), 334-349, 2006
Local feature extraction and matching partial objects
D Bespalov, WC Regli, A Shokoufandeh
Computer-Aided Design 38 (9), 1020-1037, 2006
Computer-aided design of porous artifacts
C Schroeder, WC Regli, A Shokoufandeh, W Sun
Computer-aided design 37 (3), 339-353, 2005
Retrieving articulated 3-d models using medial surfaces and their graph spectra
J Zhang, K Siddiqi, D Macrini, A Shokoufandeh, S Dickinson
Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: 5th …, 2005
View-based 3-D object recognition using shock graphs
D Macrini, A Shokoufandeh, S Dickinson, K Siddiqi, S Zucker
2002 International Conference on Pattern Recognition 3, 24-28, 2002
Database techniques for archival of solid models
D McWherter, M Peabody, AC Shokoufandeh, W Regli
Proceedings of the sixth ACM symposium on Solid modeling and applications, 78-87, 2001
Three-dimensional reconstruction for medical-CAD modeling
B Starly, Z Fang, W Sun, A Shokoufandeh, W Regli
Computer-Aided Design and Applications 2 (1-4), 431-438, 2005
Automated learning of model classifications
CY Ip, WC Regli, L Sieger, A Shokoufandeh
Proceedings of the eighth ACM symposium on Solid modeling and applications …, 2003
Scale-space representation of 3d models and topological matching
D Bespalov, A Shokoufandeh, WC Regli, W Sun
Proceedings of the eighth ACM symposium on Solid modeling and applications …, 2003
Many-to-many graph matching via metric embedding
Y Keselman, A Shokoufandeh, MF Demirci, S Dickinson
2003 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2003
論文 1–20