Ye Zhao
Ye Zhao
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Tech
確認したメール アドレス: me.gatech.edu - ホームページ
Asynchronous filtering of discrete-time switched linear systems with average dwell time
L Zhang, N Cui, M Liu, Y Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 58 (5), 1109-1118, 2010
Active suspension control with frequency band constraints and actuator input delay
W Sun, Y Zhao, J Li, L Zhang, H Gao
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (1), 530-537, 2011
Vibration control for active seat suspension systems via dynamic output feedback with limited frequency characteristic
W Sun, J Li, Y Zhao, H Gao
Mechatronics 21 (1), 250-260, 2011
Safe reinforcement learning with stability guarantee for motion planning of autonomous vehicles
L Zhang, R Zhang, T Wu, R Weng, M Han, Y Zhao
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 32 (12), 5435-5444, 2021
Stabilizing series-elastic point-foot bipeds using whole-body operational space control
D Kim, Y Zhao, G Thomas, BR Fernandez, L Sentis
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 32 (6), 1362-1379, 2016
Robust stability criterion for discrete-time uncertain Markovian jumping neural networks with defective statistics of modes transitions
Y Zhao, L Zhang, S Shen, H Gao
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 22 (1), 164-170, 2010
A three dimensional foot placement planner for locomotion in very rough terrains
Y Zhao, L Sentis
2012 12th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids …, 2012
Impedance control and performance measure of series elastic actuators
Y Zhao, N Paine, SJ Jorgensen, L Sentis
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (3), 2817-2827, 2017
Robust optimal planning and control of non-periodic bipedal locomotion with a centroidal momentum model
Y Zhao, BR Fernandez, L Sentis
The International Journal of Robotics Research 36 (11), 1211-1242, 2017
Learning generalizable vision-tactile robotic grasping strategy for deformable objects via transformer
Y Han, K Yu, R Batra, N Boyd, C Mehta, T Zhao, Y She, S Hutchinson, ...
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2024
Robust trajectory optimization over uncertain terrain with stochastic complementarity
L Drnach, Y Zhao
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 1168-1175, 2021
Modeling and balance control of supernumerary robotic limb for overhead tasks
J Luo, Z Gong, Y Su, L Ruan, Y Zhao, HH Asada, C Fu
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 4125-4132, 2021
Robust bipedal locomotion based on a hierarchical control structure
J Luo, Y Su, L Ruan, Y Zhao, D Kim, L Sentis, C Fu
Robotica 37 (10), 1750-1767, 2019
Momentum-Aware Trajectory Optimization and Control for Agile Quadrupedal Locomotion
Z Zhou, B Wingo, N Boyd, S Hutchinson, Y Zhao
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022
Accelerated admm based trajectory optimization for legged locomotion with coupled rigid body dynamics
Z Zhou, Y Zhao
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 5082-5089, 2020
Stability and performance limits of latency-prone distributed feedback controllers
Y Zhao, N Paine, KS Kim, L Sentis
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (11), 7151-7162, 2015
Integrated task and motion planning for safe legged navigation in partially observable environments
A Shamsah, Z Gu, J Warnke, S Hutchinson, Y Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 39 (6), 4913-4934, 2023
Reactive task and motion planning for robust whole-body dynamic locomotion in constrained environments
Y Zhao, Y Li, L Sentis, U Topcu, J Liu
The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2022
Feedback parameter selection for impedance control of series elastic actuators
Y Zhao, N Paine, L Sentis
2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 999-1006, 2014
Estimation of CoM and CoP trajectories during human walking based on a wearable visual odometry device
J Luo, Y Zhao, L Ruan, S Mao, C Fu
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 19 (1), 396-409, 2020
論文 1–20