オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - rob alessie詳細
一般公開: 19 件
Pension wealth and household savings in Europe: Evidence from SHARELIFE
R Alessie, V Angelini, P Van Santen
European Economic Review 63, 308-328, 2013
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Gender differences in the mental health impact of the COVID-19 lockdown: longitudinal evidence from the Netherlands
A Vloo, RJM Alessie, JO Mierau, MH Boezen, JO Mierau, L Franke, ...
SSM-population health 15, 100878, 2021
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Netherlands Organisation …
Is it true love? Altruism versus exchange in time and money transfers
R Alessie, V Angelini, G Pasini
De Economist 162, 193-213, 2014
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Subjective well-being around retirement
M Abolhassani, R Alessie
De Economist 161 (3), 349-366, 2013
委任: German Research Foundation
Retirement choices in Italy: What an option value model tells us
M Belloni, R Alessie
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 75 (4), 499-527, 2013
委任: Government of Italy
Diabetes-associated factors as predictors of nursing home admission and costs in the elderly across Europe
B Rodríguez-Sánchez, V Angelini, T Feenstra, RJM Alessie
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 18 (1), 74-82, 2017
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Federal Ministry of Education and Research …
Economic conditions at birth and cardiovascular disease risk in adulthood: Evidence from post-1950 cohorts
RJM Alessie, V Angelini, GJ van den Berg, JO Mierau, L Viluma
Social Science & Medicine 224, 77-84, 2019
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Skating on thin ice: New evidence on financial fragility
J Wiersma, RJM Alessie, A Kalwij, A Lusardi, M van Rooij
De Nederlandsche Bank Working Paper, 2020
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Moral hazard and selection for voluntary deductibles
RJM Alessie, V Angelini, JO Mierau, L Viluma
Health Economics 29 (10), 1251-1269, 2020
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
The relationship between diabetes, diabetes-related complications and productive activities among older Europeans
B Rodriguez-Sanchez, RJM Alessie, TL Feenstra, V Angelini
The European Journal of Health Economics 19, 719-734, 2018
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Federal Ministry of Education and Research …
Is it true love? Altruism versus exchange in time and money transfers
RJM Alessie, V Angelini, G Pasini
Netspar Discussion paper, 2011
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Exposure in utero to adverse events and health late‐in‐life: Evidence from China
J Wang, R Alessie, V Angelini
Health Economics 32 (3), 541-557, 2023
委任: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, National …
Household composition and preferences: A collective approach to household consumption
B van Leeuwen, R Alessie, J de Bresser
Review of Income and Wealth 67 (3), 591-615, 2021
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Pension wealth and household saving in europe
R Alessie, V Angelini, P van Santen
Research Report, 2012
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Why do Parents Underinvest in their Children's Education? Evidence from China
J Wang, R Alessie, V Angelini
GLO Discussion Paper, 2022
委任: US National Institutes of Health, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Physical and psychological health at adolescence and home care use later in life
GE Bijwaard, R Alessie, V Angelini, LH Lumey
Plos one 16 (12), e0261078, 2021
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Economic Downturns and Babies’ Health
R Alessie, V Angelini, JO Mierau, L Viluma
University of York WP 17 (11), 2017
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Factors influencing short-term effectiveness and efficiency of the care provided by Dutch general practice mental health professionals
TGR Vennemann, BFM Wijnen, L Ringoir, A Kenter, ...
Global & regional health technology assessment 7, 139, 2020
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
The Effect of Early Life Health on Later Life Home Care Use: The Mediating Role of Household Composition
G Bijwaard, R Alessie, V Angelini
IZA Discussion Papers, 2018
委任: US National Institutes of Health
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