Roy F. Oman
Moderate-intensity exercise and self-rated quality of sleep in older adults: a randomized controlled trial
AC King, RF Oman, GS Brassington, DL Bliwise, WL Haskell
Jama 277 (1), 32-37, 1997
Parental communication and youth sexual behaviour
CB Aspy, SK Vesely, RF Oman, S Rodine, LD Marshall, K McLeroy
Journal of adolescence 30 (3), 449-466, 2007
Predicting the adoption and maintenance of exercise participation using self-efficacy and previous exercise participation rates
RF Oman, AC King
American Journal of Health Promotion 12 (3), 154-161, 1998
The influence of physician race, age, and gender on physician attitudes toward advance care directives and preferences for end‐of‐life decision‐making
EW Mebane, RF Oman, LT Kroonen, MK Goldstein
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 47 (5), 579-591, 1999
The potential protective effects of youth assets from adolescent sexual risk behaviors
SK Vesely, VH Wyatt, RF Oman, CB Aspy, MC Kegler, S Rodine, ...
Journal of Adolescent Health 34 (5), 356-365, 2004
The potential protective effect of youth assets on adolescent alcohol and drug use
RF Oman, S Vesely, CB Aspy, KR McLeroy, S Rodine, LD Marshall
American Journal of Public Health 94 (8), 1425-1430, 2004
Can we identify who will adhere to long-term physical activity? Signal detection methodology as a potential aid to clinical decision making.
AC King, M Kiernan, RF Oman, HC Kraemer, M Hull, D Ahn
Health Psychology 16 (4), 380, 1997
Adolescent violence: The protective effects of youth assets
CB Aspy, RF Oman, SK Vesely, K McLeroy, S Rodine, LD Marshall
Journal of Counseling & development 82 (3), 268-276, 2004
Reliability and validity of the Youth Asset Survey (YAS)
RF Oman, SK Vesely, KR Mcleroy, V Harris-Wyatt, CB Aspy, S Rodine, ...
Journal of Adolescent Health 31 (3), 247-255, 2002
The effect of life events and exercise program format on the adoption and maintenance of exercise behavior.
RF Oman, AC King
Health Psychology 19 (6), 605, 2000
Relationships among youth assets and neighborhood and community resources
MC Kegler, RF Oman, SK Vesely, KR McLeroy, CB Aspy, S Rodine, ...
Health Education & Behavior 32 (3), 380-397, 2005
Intrinsic motivation and exercise behavior
RF Oman, E McAuley
Journal of Health Education 24 (4), 232-238, 1993
Adolescent tobacco use: The protective effects of developmental assets
LA Atkins, RF Oman, SK Vesely, CB Aspy, K McLeroy
American Journal of Health Promotion 16 (4), 198-205, 2002
Sport psychology: An analysis of athlete behavior
WF Straub
(No Title), 1980
The relationships among constructs in the health belief model and the transtheoretical model among African-American college women for physical activity
KC Juniper, RF Oman, RM Hamm, DS Kerby
American Journal of Health Promotion 18 (5), 354-357, 2004
Youth assets and sexual risk behavior: the importance of assets for youth residing in one‐parent households
RF Oman, SK Vesely, CB Aspy
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 37 (1), 25-31, 2005
Protective assets for non-use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs among urban American Indian youth in Oklahoma
LA Beebe, SK Vesely, RF Oman, E Tolma, CB Aspy, S Rodine
Maternal and child health journal 12, 82-90, 2008
School‐related assets and youth risk behaviors: Alcohol consumption and sexual activity
CB Aspy, SK Vesely, RF Oman, E Tolma, S Rodine, LD Marshall, J Fluhr
Journal of school health 82 (1), 3-10, 2012
An adolescent age group approach to examining youth risk behaviors
RF Oman, KR McLeroy, S Vesely, CB Aspy, DW Smith, DA Penn
American Journal of Health Promotion 16 (3), 167-176, 2002
Does family structure matter in the relationships between youth assets and youth alcohol, drug and tobacco use?
RF Oman, SK Vesely, E Tolma, CB Aspy, S Rodine, LD Marshall
Journal of Research on Adolescence 17 (4), 743-766, 2007
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