Gabriel Ortega
Gabriel Ortega
その他の名前Gabriel Ortega-Quintanilla
Ikerbasque Research Fellow at CIC bioGUNE
確認したメール アドレス: cicbiogune.es - ホームページ
Calibration-free electrochemical biosensors supporting accurate molecular measurements directly in undiluted whole blood
H Li, P Dauphin-Ducharme, G Ortega, KW Plaxco
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (32), 11207-11213, 2017
Subsecond-resolved molecular measurements in the living body using chronoamperometrically interrogated aptamer-based sensors
N Arroyo-Currás, P Dauphin-Ducharme, G Ortega, KL Ploense, TE Kippin, ...
ACS sensors 3 (2), 360-366, 2018
Elucidating the mechanisms underlying the signal drift of electrochemical aptamer-based sensors in whole blood
KK Leung, AM Downs, G Ortega, M Kurnik, KW Plaxco
ACS sensors 6 (9), 3340-3347, 2021
Real-time monitoring of a protein biomarker
C Parolo, A Idili, G Ortega, A Csordas, A Hsu, N Arroyo-Currás, Q Yang, ...
ACS sensors 5 (7), 1877-1881, 2020
Calibration-free measurement of phenylalanine levels in the blood using an electrochemical aptamer-based sensor suitable for point-of-care applications
A Idili, C Parolo, G Ortega, KW Plaxco
ACS sensors 4 (12), 3227-3233, 2019
High-precision control of plasma drug levels using feedback-controlled dosing
N Arroyo-Currás, G Ortega, DA Copp, KL Ploense, ZA Plaxco, TE Kippin, ...
ACS pharmacology & translational science 1 (2), 110-118, 2018
Simulation-based approach to determining electron transfer rates using square-wave voltammetry
P Dauphin-Ducharme, N Arroyo-Currás, M Kurnik, G Ortega, H Li, ...
Langmuir 33 (18), 4407-4413, 2017
Halophilic enzyme activation induced by salts
G Ortega, A Laín, X Tadeo, B López-Méndez, D Castano, O Millet
Scientific reports 1 (1), 6, 2011
Repurposing ciclopirox as a pharmacological chaperone in a model of congenital erythropoietic porphyria
P Urquiza, A Laín, A Sanz-Parra, J Moreno, G Bernardo-Seisdedos, ...
Science translational medicine 10 (459), eaat7467, 2018
Halophilic protein adaptation results from synergistic residue-ion interactions in the folded and unfolded states
G Ortega, T Diercks, O Millet
Chemistry & biology 22 (12), 1597-1607, 2015
Open source software for the real-time control, processing, and visualization of high-volume electrochemical data
SD Curtis, KL Ploense, M Kurnik, G Ortega, C Parolo, TE Kippin, ...
Analytical chemistry 91 (19), 12321-12328, 2019
Hydration dynamics of a halophilic protein in folded and unfolded states
J Qvist, G Ortega, X Tadeo, O Millet, B Halle
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116 (10), 3436-3444, 2012
A plug, print & play inkjet printing and impedance-based biosensing technology operating through a smartphone for clinical diagnostics
G Rosati, M Urban, L Zhao, Q Yang, CCC e Silva, S Bonaldo, C Parolo, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 196, 113737, 2022
Carbohydrate affinity for the glucose–galactose binding protein is regulated by allosteric domain motions
G Ortega, D Castaño, T Diercks, O Millet
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (48), 19869-19876, 2012
Chain dynamics limit electron transfer from electrode-bound, single-stranded oligonucleotides
P Dauphin-Ducharme, N Arroyo-Curras, R Adhikari, J Somerson, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (37), 21441-21448, 2018
Ultra-High-Precision, in-vivo Pharmacokinetic Measurements Highlight the Need for and a Route Toward More Highly Personalized Medicine
PA Vieira, CB Shin, N Arroyo-Currás, G Ortega, W Li, AA Keller, ...
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 6, 69, 2019
Unraveling the conformational landscape of ligand binding to glucose/galactose-binding protein by paramagnetic NMR and MD simulations
L Unione, G Ortega, A Mallagaray, F Corzana, J Pérez-Castells, ...
ACS chemical biology 11 (8), 2149-2157, 2016
Uroporphyrinogen III synthase mutations related to congenital erythropoietic porphyria identify a key helix for protein stability
A Fortian, D Castano, G Ortega, A Laín, M Pons, O Millet
Biochemistry 48 (2), 454-461, 2009
Protein functional dynamics in multiple timescales as studied by NMR spectroscopy
G Ortega, M Pons, O Millet
Advances in protein chemistry and structural biology 92, 219-251, 2013
E-DNA scaffold sensors and the reagentless, single-step, measurement of HIV-diagnostic antibodies in human serum
C Parolo, AS Greenwood, NE Ogden, D Kang, C Hawes, G Ortega, ...
Microsystems & nanoengineering 6 (1), 13, 2020
論文 1–20