The nature of teachers' pedagogical content beliefs matters for students' achievement gains: Quasi-experimental evidence from elementary mathematics. FC Staub, E Stern Journal of educational psychology 94 (2), 344, 2002 | 1111 | 2002 |
Conscious and unconscious strategy discoveries: A microgenetic analysis. RS Siegler, E Stern Journal of experimental psychology: General 127 (4), 377, 1998 | 567 | 1998 |
Effects of instructional support within constructivist learning environments for elementary school students' understanding of" floating and sinking." I Hardy, A Jonen, K Möller, E Stern Journal of educational psychology 98 (2), 307, 2006 | 471 | 2006 |
Individual differences in mathematical competence predict parietal brain activation during mental calculation RH Grabner, D Ansari, G Reishofer, E Stern, F Ebner, C Neuper Neuroimage 38 (2), 346-356, 2007 | 408 | 2007 |
Superior performance and neural efficiency: The impact of intelligence and expertise RH Grabner, AC Neubauer, E Stern Brain research bulletin 69 (4), 422-439, 2006 | 342 | 2006 |
The developmental relations between conceptual and procedural knowledge: A multimethod approach. M Schneider, E Stern Developmental psychology 46 (1), 178, 2010 | 292 | 2010 |
What makes certain arithmetic word problems involving the comparison of sets so difficult for children? E Stern Journal of educational psychology 85 (1), 7, 1993 | 276 | 1993 |
Improving cross-content transfer in text processing by means of active graphical representation E Stern, C Aprea, HG Ebner Learning and Instruction 13 (2), 191-203, 2003 | 242 | 2003 |
Lernen macht intelligent: Warum Begabung gefördert werden muss A Neubauer, E Stern DVA, 2013 | 209 | 2013 |
Die Entwicklung des mathematischen Verständnisses im Kindesalter E Stern Pabst Science Publishers, 1998 | 202 | 1998 |
Individual differences in chess expertise: A psychometric investigation RH Grabner, E Stern, AC Neubauer Acta psychologica 124 (3), 398-420, 2007 | 201 | 2007 |
The cognitive perspective on learning: Ten cornerstone findings M Schneider, E Stern The nature of learning, 69-90, 2010 | 198 | 2010 |
Pedagogy meets neuroscience E Stern Science 310 (5749), 745-745, 2005 | 165 | 2005 |
Die Förderung von naturwissenschaftlichem Verständnis bei Grundschulkindern durch Strukturierung der Lernumgebung K Möller, A Jonen, I Hardy, E Stern Bildungsqualität von Schule: Schulische und außerschulische Bedingungen …, 2002 | 164 | 2002 |
A validation of eye movements as a measure of elementary school children's developing number sense M Schneider, A Heine, V Thaler, J Torbeyns, B De Smedt, L Verschaffel, ... Cognitive Development 23 (3), 409-422, 2008 | 158 | 2008 |
The role of situational context in solving word problems E Stern, A Lehrndorfer Cognitive development 7 (2), 259-268, 1992 | 152 | 1992 |
Lernen und Gehirn: der Weg zu einer neuen Pädagogik R Caspary, E Stern Herder, 2006 | 148 | 2006 |
Deutscher Mathematiktest für vierte Klassen (DEMAT 4+) D Gölitz, M Hasselhorn Hogrefe, 2006 | 147* | 2006 |
Wie viel Hirn braucht die Schule? Chancen und Grenzen einer neuropsychologischen Lehr-Lern-Forschung E Stern Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 50 (4), 531-538, 2004 | 128 | 2004 |
When intelligence loses its impact: Neural efficiency during reasoning in a familiar area RH Grabner, E Stern, AC Neubauer International Journal of Psychophysiology 49 (2), 89-98, 2003 | 125 | 2003 |