Lisa van Leent
Supporting school teachers: Primary teachers’ conceptions of their responses to diverse sexualities
L Van Leent
Sex Education 17 (4), 440-453, 2017
A Queer Critical Media Literacies Framework in a Digital Age
L van Leent, K Mills
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 2017
The changing experiences of primary teachers: responding to scenarios involving diverse sexualities
L van Leent, M Ryan
International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1-14, 2015
Memoirs and manifestos for early career researchers in gender and sexuality education research
L Coll, L van Leent, A Brömdal
Uplifting gender and sexuality education research, 279-302, 2019
Teachers’ representations of genders and sexualities in primary school: the power of curriculum and an institutional ideological code
L van Leent, N Spina
The Australian Educational Researcher 50 (3), 683-700, 2023
Literacy coaching roles in diverse contexts of teaching and learning: New ways of working
LJ van Leent, B Exley
Australian Journal of Teacher Education 38 (4), 2, 2013
Textual constraints: Queering the senior english text list in the Australian curriculum
K McGraw, L van Leent
English in Australia 53 (2), 28-39, 2018
Homophobia in Catholic schools: An exploration of teachers' rights and experiences in Canada and Australia
T Callaghan, L Van Leent
Journal of Catholic Education 22 (3), Article number: 3 36-57, 2019
Exploring the intersections of the Convention on the Rights of the Child general principles and diverse sexes, genders and sexualities in education
J Gillett-Swan, L van Leent
Social Sciences 8 (9), 260, 2019
School-based relationships and sexuality education programmes in primary schools: contexts, mechanisms and outcomes
R Aguilar Alonso, K Walsh, L Van Leent, C Moran
Sex Education 24 (2), 188-207, 2024
How are teacher shortages in hardest-to-staff schools represented in (inter) national policy documents from England and Australia?
R Mills, T Bourke, M Mills, S White, L van Leent
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 52 (3), 288-300, 2024
Effectiveness of relationships and sex education: A systematic review of terminology, content, pedagogy, and outcomes
L van Leent, K Walsh, C Moran, K Hand, S French
Educational Research Review 39, 100527, 2023
Primary school parents’ perspectives on relationships and sexuality education in Queensland, Australia
C Moran, L Van Leent
Sex Education 22 (2), 184-197, 2022
Primary school teachers' conceptions of pedagogical responses to concepts of diverse sexualities
LJ van Leent
Queensland University of Technology, 2014
Career change teachers: solving the teacher shortage?
S White, T Bourke, R Mills, M Mills, L van Leent, C Wood, M Readette
European Journal of Teacher Education, 1-16, 2024
A systematic review: gender and sexual diversity in work-integrated learning in higher education contexts
L van Leent, R Tunny, J Elsden-Clifton
Work Integrated Learning in Practice 1 (2), 2022
Teaching English and the Grammatical Use of the Pronoun: Queer (y) ing the Teaching of Writing
J Pickering, L van Leent
The Reading Teacher 78 (1), 37-45, 2024
Critical literacies in Australia
J Alford, L van Leent, L Downes, A Woods
The Handbook of Critical Literacies, 125-132, 2021
Sexuality and sexualization in childhood (Australia)
L van Leent, K Walsh
Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies, 2020
Experiences of embedding gender and sexuality diversity workshops in an undergraduate medical imaging curriculum
D Starkey, L Van Leent, A Singh
Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences 70 (1), 95-98, 2023
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