Mamoun Awad
Mamoun Awad
Professor of Computer Science, UAE University
確認したメール アドレス: uaeu.ac.ae - ホームページ
Support vector machines
M Awad, L Khan
Intelligent Information Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2008
A new intrusion detection system using support vector machines and hierarchical clustering
L Khan, M Awad, B Thuraisingham
The VLDB journal 16, 507-521, 2007
Image annotations by combining multiple evidence & wordnet
Y Jin, L Khan, L Wang, M Awad
Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia …, 2005
Prediction of user's web-browsing behavior: Application of markov model
MA Awad, I Khalil
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 42 …, 2012
Augmented textual features-based stock market prediction
S Bouktif, A Fiaz, M Awad
Ieee Access 8, 40269-40282, 2020
An effective support vector machines (SVMs) performance using hierarchical clustering
M Awad, L Khan, F Bastani, IL Yen
16th IEEE international conference on tools with artificial intelligence …, 2004
Web navigation prediction using multiple evidence combination and domain knowledge
MA Awad, LR Khan
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2007
Predicting WWW surfing using multiple evidence combination
M Awad, L Khan, B Thuraisingham
The VLDB Journal 17, 401-417, 2008
Managing IoT-based smart healthcare systems traffic with software defined networks
F Sallabi, F Naeem, M Awad, K Shuaib
2018 international symposium on networks, computers and communications …, 2018
Design and implementation of data mining tools
B Thuraisingham, L Khan, M Awad, L Wang
Auerbach Publications, 2009
Ant colony based approach to predict stock market movement from mood collected on Twitter
S Bouktif, MA Awad
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in …, 2013
Analysis of firewall policy rules using traffic mining techniques
M Abedin, S Nessa, L Khan, E Al-Shaer, M Awad
International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology 5 (1-2), 3-22, 2010
Artificial intelligence-based fault prediction framework for WBAN
M Awad, F Sallabi, K Shuaib, F Naeem
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (9 …, 2022
Stock market movement prediction using disparate text features with machine learning
S Bouktif, A Fiaz, M Awad
2019 Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Data …, 2019
The impact of combining storytelling with lecture on female students in software engineering education
S Ouhbi, MAM Awad
2021 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 443-447, 2021
Migrating from SQL to NOSQL database: Practices and analysis
F Yassine, MA Awad
2018 International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT …, 2018
CTAC: Control traffic tunneling attacks’ countermeasures in mobile wireless networks
I Khalil, M Awad, A Khreishah
Computer Networks 56 (14), 3300-3317, 2012
Disruptive IoT-based healthcare insurance business model
M Al Thawadi, F Sallabi, M Awad, K Shuaib
2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering …, 2019
Bayesian networks
A Bashir, L Khan, M Awad
Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, 89-93, 2005
Applications and limitations of support vector machines
M Awad, L Khan
Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining. Idea group Inc, 2004
論文 1–20