Patrick J. Wolf
Patrick J. Wolf
Distinguished Professor of Education Policy, University of Arkansas
確認したメール アドレス: uark.edu - ホームページ
The Education Gap: Vouchers and Urban Schools
WG Howell, PE Peterson, PJ Wolf, DE Campbell
Brookings Institution Press, 2006
School vouchers and academic performance: Results from three randomized field trials
WG Howell, PJ Wolf, DE Campbell, PE Peterson
Journal of Policy Analysis and management 21 (2), 191-217, 2002
School Vouchers and Student Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from Washington, DC
PJ Wolf, B Kisida, B Gutmann, M Puma, N Eissa, L Rizzo
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 32 (2), 246-270, 2013
A case survey of bureaucratic effectiveness in US cabinet agencies: Preliminary results
PJ Wolf
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 3 (2), 161-181, 1993
School vouchers and student attainment: Evidence from a state‐mandated study of Milwaukee's parental choice program
JM Cowen, DJ Fleming, JF Witte, PJ Wolf, B Kisida
Policy Studies Journal 41 (1), 147-168, 2013
School vouchers. Results from randomized experiments
P Peterson, W Howell, PJ Wolf, D Campbell
The economics of school choice, 107-144, 2003
A review of the empirical research on private school choice
AJ Egalite, PJ Wolf
Peabody Journal of Education 91 (4), 441-454, 2016
School voucher programs: What the research says about parental school choice
PJ Wolf
BYU L. Rev., 415, 2008
Civics Exam Schools of choice boost civic values
PJ Wolf
Education Next 7 (3), 66, 2007
Evaluation of the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program
P Wolf, B Gutmann, M Puma, B Kisida, L Rizzo, N Eissa, M Carr, ...
US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 2010
Educating citizens: International perspectives on civic values and school choice
PJ Wolf, S Macedo
Brookings Institution Press, 2004
Funding mechanisms and policy instruments: How business campaign contributions influence congressional votes
MC Fellowes, PJ Wolf
Political Research Quarterly 57 (2), 315-324, 2004
Vouchers in the bayou: The effects of the Louisiana Scholarship Program on student achievement after 2 years
JN Mills, PJ Wolf
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 39 (3), 464-484, 2017
The participant effects of private school vouchers across the globe: A meta-analytic and systematic review
M Shakeel, K Anderson, P Wolf
EDRE Working Paper, 2016
Test-Score Effects of School Vouchers in Dayton, Ohio, New York City, and Washington, DC: Evidence from Randomized Field Trials
WG Howell, PJ Wolf, PE Peterson, DE Campbell
American Political Science Association, 2000
The school choice journey: School vouchers and the empowerment of urban families
T Stewart, P Wolf
Springer, 2016
Academic improvement through regular assessment
PJ Wolf
Peabody Journal of Education 82 (4), 690-702, 2007
Why must we reinvent the federal government? Putting historical developmental claims to the test
PJ Wolf
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 7 (3), 353-388, 1997
Similar students, different choices: Who uses a school voucher in an otherwise similar population of students?
DJ Fleming, JM Cowen, JF Witte, PJ Wolf
Education and Urban Society 47 (7), 785-812, 2015
Charter School Funding: Inequity Expands
M Batdorff, L Maloney, JF May, ST Speakman, PJ Wolf, A Cheng
School Choice Demonstration Project, Department of Education Reform …, 2014
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