Qian Zhang
Qian Zhang
Tencent Professor of Engineering, Chair Prof. of Dept. of CSE, HKUST, HK
確認したメール アドレス: cse.ust.hk - ホームページ
HC-MAC: A hardware-constrained cognitive MAC for efficient spectrum management
J Jia, Q Zhang, XS Shen
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 26 (1), 106-117, 2008
A compound TCP approach for high-speed and long distance networks
K Tan, J Song, Q Zhang, M Sridharan
Proceedings-IEEE INFOCOM, 2006
The handbook of ad hoc wireless networks
M Ilyas, BC Seet, X Hannan, YC Tseng, A Mishra, S Giordano, YJ Suh, ...
CRC press, 2017
Cooperative relay to improve diversity in cognitive radio networks
Q Zhang, J Jia, J Zhang
IEEE Communications Magazine 47 (2), 111-117, 2009
Stackelberg game for utility-based cooperative cognitiveradio networks
J Zhang, Q Zhang
Proceedings of the tenth ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2009
TRAC: Truthful auction for location-aware collaborative sensing in mobile crowdsourcing
Z Feng, Y Zhu, Q Zhang, LM Ni, AV Vasilakos
IEEE INFOCOM 2014-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1231-1239, 2014
Efficient mobility management for vertical handoff between WWAN and WLAN
Q Zhang, C Guo, Z Guo, W Zhu
IEEE Communications Magazine 41 (11), 102-108, 2003
Channel and quality of service adaptation for multimedia over wireless networks
Q Zhang, W Zhu, YQ Zhang, G Wang
US Patent 6,999,432, 2006
Spectrum trading in cognitive radio networks: A contract-theoretic modeling approach
L Gao, X Wang, Y Xu, Q Zhang
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 29 (4), 843-855, 2011
From QoS to QoE: A tutorial on video quality assessment
Y Chen, K Wu, Q Zhang
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 17 (2), 1126-1165, 2014
Revenue generation for truthful spectrum auction in dynamic spectrum access
J Jia, Q Zhang, Q Zhang, M Liu
Proceedings of the tenth ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2009
Peer-to-peer method of quality of service (qos) probing and analysis and infrastructure employing same
Q Zhang, W Zhu, XY Zhang, YQ Xiong
US Patent 7,133,368, 2006
Network planning in wireless ad hoc networks: a cross-layer approach
Y Wu, PA Chou, Q Zhang, K Jain, W Zhu, SY Kung
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 23 (1), 136-150, 2005
Understanding the power of pull-based streaming protocol: Can we do better?
M Zhang, Q Zhang, L Sun, S Yang
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25 (9), 1678-1694, 2007
Wearables can afford: Light-weight indoor positioning with visible light
Z Yang, Z Wang, J Zhang, C Huang, Q Zhang
Proceedings of the 13th annual international conference on mobile systems …, 2015
A seamless and proactive end-to-end mobility solution for roaming across heterogeneous wireless networks
C Guo, Z Guo, Q Zhang, W Zhu
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 22 (5), 834-848, 2004
Cooperative relay for cognitive radio networks
J Jia, J Zhang, Q Zhang
IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 2304-2312, 2009
Mining spectrum usage data: a large-scale spectrum measurement study
S Yin, D Chen, Q Zhang, M Liu, S Li
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 11 (6), 1033-1046, 2012
Vertical roaming in wireless networks through improved quality of service measures
Z Guo, Q Zhang, R Yao, W Zhu
US Patent 6,944,144, 2005
Cross-layer design for QoS support in multihop wireless networks
Q Zhang, YQ Zhang
Proceedings of the IEEE 96 (1), 64-76, 2007
論文 1–20