Blanca Jimeno
Blanca Jimeno
Postdoctoral Researcher / DS Train (MSCA cofund) fellow. CEES, University of Oslo (Norway).
確認したメール アドレス: ibv.uio.no - ホームページ
Corticosterone levels reflect variation in metabolic rate, independent of ‘stress’
B Jimeno, M Hau, S Verhulst
Scientific reports 8 (1), 13020, 2018
Food availability affects adult survival trajectories depending on early developmental conditions
M Briga, E Koetsier, JJ Boonekamp, B Jimeno, S Verhulst
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1846), 20162287, 2017
Strong association between corticosterone levels and temperature-dependent metabolic rate in individual zebra finches
B Jimeno, M Hau, S Verhulst
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (23), 4426-4431, 2017
Baseline glucose level is an individual trait that is negatively associated with lifespan and increases due to adverse environmental conditions during development and adulthood
B Montoya, M Briga, B Jimeno, S Moonen, S Verhulst
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 188, 517-526, 2018
Physiological stress does not increase with urbanization in European blackbirds: Evidence from hormonal, immunological and cellular indicators
JD Ibáñez-Álamo, B Jimeno, D Gil, RL Thomson, JI Aguirre, ...
Science of the total environment 721, 137332, 2020
Developmental conditions modulate DNA methylation at the glucocorticoid receptor gene with cascading effects on expression and corticosterone levels in zebra finches
B Jimeno, M Hau, E Gómez-Díaz, S Verhulst
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 15869, 2019
Male but not female zebra finches with high plasma corticosterone have lower survival
B Jimeno, M Briga, M Hau, S Verhulst
Functional Ecology 32 (3), 713-721, 2018
Meta-analysis reveals glucocorticoid levels reflect variation in metabolic rate, not ‘stress’
B Jimeno, S Verhulst
Elife 12, RP88205, 2023
Effects of developmental conditions on glucocorticoid concentrations in adulthood depend on sex and foraging conditions
B Jimeno, M Briga, S Verhulst, M Hau
Hormones and Behavior 93, 175-183, 2017
Coupling lifespan and aging? The age at onset of body mass decline associates positively with sex-specific lifespan but negatively with environment-specific lifespan
M Briga, B Jimeno, S Verhulst
Experimental Gerontology 119, 111-119, 2019
Glucocorticoid–temperature association is shaped by foraging costs in individual zebra finches
B Jimeno, M Hau, S Verhulst
Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (23), jeb187880, 2018
Metabolic rates predict baseline corticosterone and reproductive output in a free-living passerine
B Jimeno, MR Prichard, D Landry, C Wolf, B Larkin, Z Cheviron, ...
Integrative Organismal Biology 2 (1), obaa030, 2020
Biophysical models unravel associations between glucocorticoids and thermoregulatory costs across avian species
JG Rubalcaba, B Jimeno
Functional Ecology 36 (1), 64-72, 2022
Glucocorticoid receptor expression as an integrative measure to assess glucocorticoid plasticity and efficiency in evolutionary endocrinology: A perspective
B Jimeno, C Zimmer
Hormones and Behavior 145, 105240, 2022
Sexual differences in parental investment in response to parent‐absent calls
B Jimeno, J Muriel, L Pérez‐Rodríguez, D Gil
Ethology 120 (3), 258-265, 2014
Glucose regulation is a repeatable trait affected by successive handling in zebra finches
B Montoya, M Briga, B Jimeno, S Verhulst
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 190, 455-464, 2020
Modelling the role of glucocorticoid receptor as mediator of endocrine responses to environmental challenge
B Jimeno, JG Rubalcaba
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379 (1898), 20220501, 2024
Glucose tolerance predicts survival in old zebra finches
B Montoya, M Briga, B Jimeno, S Verhulst
Journal of Experimental Biology 225 (11), jeb243205, 2022
Parent-absent calls are related to nestling reaction time and parental food allocation in the spotless starling
B Jimeno, D Gil
Behaviour 152 (10), 1413-1431, 2015
Body temperature and activity patterns modulate glucocorticoid levels across lizard species: A macrophysiological approach
JG Rubalcaba, B Jimeno
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 1032083, 2022
論文 1–20