Narayan P. Sastri
Narayan P. Sastri
確認したメール アドレス: bcm.edu
Human intestinal enteroids: a new model to study human rotavirus infection, host restriction, and pathophysiology
K Saxena, SE Blutt, K Ettayebi, XL Zeng, JR Broughman, SE Crawford, ...
Journal of virology 90 (1), 43-56, 2016
A paradox of transcriptional and functional innate interferon responses of human intestinal enteroids to enteric virus infection
K Saxena, LM Simon, XL Zeng, SE Blutt, SE Crawford, NP Sastri, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (4), E570-E579, 2017
In J, Kovbasnjuk O, Zachos NC, Donowitz M, Estes MK. 2016. Human intestinal enteroids: a new model to study human rotavirus infection, host restriction, and pathophysiology
K Saxena, SE Blutt, K Ettayebi, XL Zeng, JR Broughman, SE Crawford, ...
J Virol 90 (1), 43-56, 0
Rotavirus induces intercellular calcium waves through ADP signaling
AL Chang-Graham, JL Perry, MA Engevik, KA Engevik, FJ Scribano, ...
Science 370 (6519), eabc3621, 2020
N-and C-terminal cooperation in rotavirus enterotoxin: novel mechanism of modulation of the properties of a multifunctional protein by a structurally and functionally …
MR Jagannath, MM Kesavulu, R Deepa, PN Sastri, SS Kumar, K Suguna, ...
Journal of virology 80 (1), 412-425, 2006
Structural plasticity of the coiled-coil domain of rotavirus NSP4
NP Sastri, M Viskovska, JM Hyser, MR Tanner, LB Horton, B Sankaran, ...
Journal of Virology 88 (23), 13602-13612, 2014
DenHunt-a comprehensive database of the intricate network of dengue-human interactions
P Karyala, R Metri, C Bathula, SK Yelamanchi, L Sahoo, S Arjunan, ...
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10 (9), e0004965, 2016
Novel pentameric structure of the diarrhea-inducing region of the rotavirus enterotoxigenic protein NSP4
AR Chacko, M Arifullah, NP Sastri, J Jeyakanthan, G Ueno, K Sekar, ...
Journal of virology 85 (23), 12721-12732, 2011
The flexible C terminus of the rotavirus non-structural protein NSP4 is an important determinant of its biological properties
D Rajasekaran, NP Sastri, JR Marathahalli, SS Indi, K Pamidimukkala, ...
Journal of general virology 89 (6), 1485-1496, 2008
Pleiotropic Properties of Rotavirus Nonstructural Protein 4 (NSP4) and Their Effects on Viral Replication and Pathogenesis
MKE Narayan P. Sastri, Sue E. Crawford
Viral Gastroenteritis: Molecular Epidemiology and Pathogenesis, 145-174, 2016
Conformational differences unfold a wide range of enterotoxigenic abilities exhibited by rNSP4 peptides from different rotavirus strains
NP Sastri, K Pamidimukkala, JR Marathahalli, S Kaza, CD Rao
The open virology journal 5, 124, 2011
Qureshi® W, Sherman V, Foulke-Abel J
K Saxena, SE Blutt, K Ettayebi, XL Zeng, JR Broughman, SE Crawford, ...
J, Kovbasnjuk O, Zachos NC, Donowitz M, Estes MK, 43-56, 2016
Dysregulation of Endogenous and Paracrine Calcium Signaling Pathways by Rotaviruses and Caliciviruses
J Hyser, A Chang-Graham, JL Perry, KA Engevik, MA Engevik, AC Strtak, ...
The FASEB Journal 34 (S1), 1-1, 2020
DenHunt-a comprehensive database of the intricate network of dengue-human interactions.
PK Prashanthi Karyala, RM Rahul Metri, C Bathula, SK Yelamanchi, ...
論文 1–14