Aaron Sojourner
Aaron Sojourner
Senior Researcher, Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
確認したメール アドレス: upjohn.org - ホームページ
Physician–patient racial concordance and disparities in birthing mortality for newborns
BN Greenwood, RR Hardeman, L Huang, A Sojourner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (35), 21194-21200, 2020
Can intensive early childhood intervention programs eliminate income-based cognitive and achievement gaps?
GJ Duncan, AJ Sojourner
Journal of Human Resources 48 (4), 945-968, 2013
What will my account really be worth? Experimental evidence on how retirement income projections affect saving
GS Goda, CF Manchester, AJ Sojourner
Journal of Public Economics 119, 80-92, 2014
Using machine learning to translate applicant work history into predictors of performance and turnover.
S Sajjadiani, AJ Sojourner, JD Kammeyer-Mueller, E Mykerezi
Journal of Applied Psychology 104 (10), 1207, 2019
Can Reputation Discipline the Gig Economy?: Experimental Evidence From an Online Labor Market
A Benson, A Sojourner, A Umyarov
Management Science, 2019
Predicting Retirement Savings Using Survey Measures Of Exponential‐Growth Bias And Present Bias
GS Goda, M Levy, CF Manchester, A Sojourner, J Tasoff
Economic Inquiry, 2019
Identification of peer effects with missing peer data: Evidence from Project STAR
A Sojourner
The Economic Journal 123 (569), 574-605, 2013
Impacts of unionization on quality and productivity: Regression discontinuity evidence from nursing homes
AJ Sojourner, BR Frandsen, RJ Town, DC Grabowski, MM Chen
ILR Review 68 (4), 771-806, 2015
Labor-market concentration and labor compensation
Y Qiu, A Sojourner
ILR Review 76 (3), 475-503, 2023
Teacher pay reform and productivity panel data evidence from adoptions of q-comp in Minnesota
AJ Sojourner, E Mykerezi, KL West
Journal of Human Resources 49 (4), 945-981, 2014
Do unions promote members' electoral office holding? Evidence from correlates of state legislatures' occupational shares
AJ Sojourner
ILR Review 66 (2), 467-486, 2013
The coronavirus will make child care deserts worse and exacerbate inequality
R Malik, K Hamm, WF Lee, EE Davis, A Sojourner
Center for American Progress 22, 2020
Effects of Union Certification on Workplace-Safety Enforcement: Regression-Discontinuity Evidence
A Sojourner, J Yang
ILR Review, 0019793920953089, 2020
Inequality in early care experienced by US children
S Flood, J McMurry, A Sojourner, M Wiswall
Journal of Economic Perspectives 36 (2), 199-222, 2022
Balancing data privacy and usability in the federal statistical system
VJ Hotz, CR Bollinger, T Komarova, CF Manski, RA Moffitt, D Nekipelov, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (31), e2104906119, 2022
Early childhood care and cognitive development
J Chaparro, A Sojourner, MJ Wiswall
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020
Who is a passive saver under opt-in and auto-enrollment?
GS Goda, MR Levy, CF Manchester, A Sojourner, J Tasoff
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 173, 301-321, 2020
Predicting initial unemployment insurance claims using Google Trends
P Goldsmith-Pinkham, A Sojourner
Technical Report, 2020
Family-centered measures of access to early care and education
EE Davis, WF Lee, A Sojourner
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 47, 472-486, 2019
An Equilibrium Model of the Impact of Increased Public Investment in Early Childhood Education
J Borowsky, JH Brown, EE Davis, C Gibbs, CM Herbst, A Sojourner, ...
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
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