Sylwester Arabas
Sylwester Arabas
AGH University of Krakow, Poland
確認したメール アドレス: agh.edu.pl - ホームページ
General overview: European Integrated project on Aerosol Cloud Climate and Air Quality interactions (EUCAARI)–integrating aerosol research from nano to global scales
M Kulmala, A Asmi, HK Lappalainen, U Baltensperger, JL Brenguier, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (24), 13061-13143, 2011
Large-eddy simulations of trade wind cumuli using particle-based microphysics with Monte Carlo coalescence
S Arabas, S Shima
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 70 (9), 2768-2777, 2013
libcloudph++ 1.0: a single-moment bulk, double-moment bulk, and particle-based warm-rain microphysics library in C++
S Arabas, A Jaruga, H Pawlowska, WW Grabowski
Geoscientific Model Development 8 (6), 1677-1707, 2015
An introduction to the SCOUT-AMMA stratospheric aircraft, balloons and sondes campaign in West Africa, August 2006: rationale and roadmap
F Cairo, JP Pommereau, KS Law, H Schlager, A Garnier, F Fierli, M Ern, ...
Atmospheric chemistry and physics 10 (5), 2237-2256, 2010
Effective radius and droplet spectral width from in‐situ aircraft observations in trade‐wind cumuli during RICO
S Arabas, H Pawlowska, WW Grabowski
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (11), 2009
libmpdata++ 1.0: a library of parallel MPDATA solvers for systems of generalised transport equations
A Jaruga, S Arabas, D Jarecka, H Pawlowska, PK Smolarkiewicz, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 8 (4), 1005-1032, 2015
On the CCN (de)activation nonlinearities
S Arabas, S Shima
Nonlin. Processes Geophys. 24, 535-542, 2017
Formula translation in Blitz++, NumPy and modern Fortran: A case study of the language choice tradeoffs
S Arabas, D Jarecka, A Jaruga, M Fijałkowski
Scientific Programming 22 (3), 201-222, 2014
Toward a numerical benchmark for warm rain processes
AA Hill, ZJ Lebo, M Andrejczuk, S Arabas, P Dziekan, P Field, ...
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80 (5), 1329-1359, 2023
Adaptive method of lines for multi-component aerosol condensational growth and CCN activation
S Arabas, H Pawlowska
Geoscientific Model Development 4 (1), 15-31, 2011
PyMPDATA v1: Numba-accelerated implementation of MPDATA with examples in Python, Julia and Matlab
P Bartman, J Banaśkiewicz, S Drenda, M Manna, MA Olesik, P Rozwoda, ...
Journal of open source software 7 (77), 3896, 2022
PySDM v1: particle-based cloud modeling package for warm-rain microphysics and aqueous chemistry
P Bartman, O Bulenok, K Górski, A Jaruga, G Łazarski, MA Olesik, ...
J. Open Source Softw. 7 (72), 3219, 2022
Status of GDL-GNU Data Language
A Coulais, M Schellens, J Gales, S Arabas, M Boquien, P Chanial, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1101.0679, 2011
Parameterization of in-cloud vertical velocities for cloud droplet activation calculations in coarse-grid models: Analysis of observations and cloud resolving model results
C Hoose, JE Kristjánsson, S Arabas, R Boers, H Pawlowska, ...
13th Conference on Atmospheric Raditation, Portland, OR, USA 28, 2010
New developments in PySDM and PySDM-examples v2: collisional breakup, immersion freezing, dry aerosol initialization, and adaptive time-stepping
EK de Jong, CE Singer, S Azimi, P Bartman, O Bulenok, K Derlatka, I Dula, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 8 (84), 4968, 2023
GNU Data Language 1.0: a free/libre and open-source drop-in replacement for IDL/PV-WAVE
J Park, G Duvert, A Coulais, GV Jung, S Arabas, B Barker, T Enomoto, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 7 (80), 4633, 2022
Case studies and challenges in reproducibility in the computational sciences
S Arabas, MR Bareford, LR de Silva, IP Gent, BM Gorman, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.2123, 2014
GNU Data Language (GDL)-a free and open-source implementation of IDL
S Arabas, M Schellens, A Coulais, J Gales, P Messmer
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 12, 924, 2010
Breakups are complicated: an efficient representation of collisional breakup in the superdroplet method
E de Jong, JB Mackay, O Bulenok, A Jaruga, S Arabas
Geoscientific Model Development 16 (14), 4193-4211, 2023
GDL-GNU Data Language 0.9.9
A Coulais, G Duvert, G Jung, S Arabas, S Flinois, AS Lounis
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVII 523, 365, 2019
論文 1–20