Minos Garofalakis
Minos Garofalakis
Director, IMSI, Athena RC; Professor, ECE, TU Crete; Senior Research Consultant, Huawei ISR/ERC.
確認したメール アドレス: athenarc.gr - ホームページ
SPIRIT: Sequential pattern mining with regular expression constraints
MN Garofalakis, R Rastogi, K Shim
VLDB 99, 7-10, 1999
Approximate query processing using wavelets
K Chakrabarti, M Garofalakis, R Rastogi, K Shim
The VLDB Journal 10, 199-223, 2001
Synopses for massive data: Samples, histograms, wavelets, sketches
G Cormode, M Garofalakis, PJ Haas, C Jermaine
Foundations and Trends® in Databases 4 (1–3), 1-294, 2011
Adaptive cleaning for RFID data streams
SR Jeffery, M Garofalakis, MJ Franklin
Vldb 6, 163-174, 2006
Efficient filtering of XML documents with XPath expressions
CY Chan, P Felber, M Garofalakis, R Rastogi
The VLDB Journal 11, 354-379, 2002
Processing complex aggregate queries over data streams
A Dobra, M Garofalakis, J Gehrke, R Rastogi
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2002
Querying and mining data streams: you only get one look a tutorial
M Garofalakis, J Gehrke, R Rastogi
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2002
Declarative networking: language, execution and optimization
BT Loo, T Condie, M Garofalakis, DE Gay, JM Hellerstein, P Maniatis, ...
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2006
XTRACT: A system for extracting document type descriptors from XML documents
M Garofalakis, A Gionis, R Rastogi, S Seshadri, K Shim
Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2000
Secure XML querying with security views
W Fan, CY Chan, M Garofalakis
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2004
Topology discovery in heterogeneous IP networks
Y Breitbart, M Garofalakis, C Martin, R Rastogi, S Seshadri, A Silberschatz
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2000. Conference on Computer Communications …, 2000
In-network PCA and anomaly detection
L Huang, XL Nguyen, M Garofalakis, M Jordan, A Joseph, N Taft
Advances in neural information processing systems 19, 2006
Topology discovery in heterogeneous IP networks: the NetInventory system
Y Breitbart, M Garofalakis, B Jai, C Martin, R Rastogi, A Silberschatz
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 12 (3), 401-414, 2004
Sketching streams through the net: Distributed approximate query tracking
G Cormode, M Garofalakis
Proceedings of the 31st international conference on Very large data bases, 13-24, 2005
Distributed sparse random projections for refinable approximation
W Wang, M Garofalakis, K Ramchandran
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Information processing in …, 2007
Holistic aggregates in a networked world: Distributed tracking of approximate quantiles
G Cormode, M Garofalakis, S Muthukrishnan, R Rastogi
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2005
Declarative networking
BT Loo, T Condie, M Garofalakis, DE Gay, JM Hellerstein, P Maniatis, ...
Communications of the ACM 52 (11), 87-95, 2009
Approximate Query Processing: Taming the TeraBytes.
MN Garofalakis, PB Gibbons
VLDB 10, 645927-672356, 2001
Wavelet synopses with error guarantees
M Garofalakis, PB Gibbons
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2002
MashMaker: mashups for the masses
RJ Ennals, MN Garofalakis
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2007
論文 1–20