Philippe Grelu
Philippe Grelu
Université Bourgogne Europe
確認したメール アドレス: ube.fr
Dissipative solitons for mode-locked lasers
P Grelu, N Akhmediev
Nature photonics 6 (2), 84-92, 2012
Dissipative rogue waves generated by chaotic pulse bunching in a mode-locked laser
C Lecaplain, P Grelu, JM Soto-Crespo, N Akhmediev
Physical review letters 108 (23), 233901, 2012
Real-time observation of internal motion within ultrafast dissipative optical soliton molecules
K Krupa, K Nithyanandan, U Andral, P Tchofo-Dinda, P Grelu
Physical review letters 118 (24), 243901, 2017
Roadmap on optical rogue waves and extreme events
N Akhmediev, B Kibler, F Baronio, M Belić, WP Zhong, Y Zhang, W Chang, ...
Journal of Optics 18 (6), 063001, 2016
Bifurcations and multiple-period soliton pulsations in a passively mode-locked fiber laser
JM Soto-Crespo, M Grapinet, P Grelu, N Akhmediev
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (6 …, 2004
Soliton rains in a fiber laser: An experimental study
S Chouli, P Grelu
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (6), 063829, 2010
Optical soliton molecular complexes in a passively mode-locked fibre laser
ZQ Wang, K Nithyanandan, A Coillet, P Tchofo-Dinda, P Grelu
Nature communications 10 (1), 830, 2019
Phase-locked soliton pairs in a stretched-pulse fiber laser
P Grelu, F Belhache, F Gutty, JM Soto-Crespo
Optics letters 27 (11), 966-968, 2002
Rains of solitons in a fiber laser
S Chouli, P Grelu
Optics express 17 (14), 11776-11781, 2009
Versatile rogue waves in scalar, vector, and multidimensional nonlinear systems
S Chen, F Baronio, JM Soto-Crespo, P Grelu, D Mihalache
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (46), 463001, 2017
Dissipative rogue waves: extreme pulses generated by passively mode-locked lasers
JM Soto-Crespo, P Grelu, N Akhmediev
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (1 …, 2011
Roadmap to ultra-short record high-energy pulses out of laser oscillators
N Akhmediev, JM Soto-Crespo, P Grelu
Physics Letters A 372 (17), 3124-3128, 2008
Baseband modulation instability as the origin of rogue waves
F Baronio, S Chen, P Grelu, S Wabnitz, M Conforti
Physical Review A 91 (3), 033804, 2015
Multimode nonlinear fiber optics, a spatiotemporal avenue
K Krupa, A Tonello, A Barthélémy, T Mansuryan, V Couderc, G Millot, ...
APL Photonics 4 (11), 2019
Rogue waves among noiselike-pulse laser emission: an experimental investigation
C Lecaplain, P Grelu
Physical Review A 90 (1), 013805, 2014
Dissipative soliton resonance as a guideline for high-energy pulse laser oscillators
P Grelu, W Chang, A Ankiewicz, JM Soto-Crespo, N Akhmediev
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 27 (11), 2336-2341, 2010
Passively mode-locked erbium-doped double-clad fiber laser operating at the 322nd harmonic
F Amrani, A Haboucha, M Salhi, H Leblond, A Komarov, P Grelu, ...
Optics letters 34 (14), 2120-2122, 2009
Quantized separations of phase-locked soliton pairs in fiber lasers
JM Soto-Crespo, N Akhmediev, P Grelu, F Belhache
Optics letters 28 (19), 1757-1759, 2003
Quantum nondemolition measurements using cold trapped atoms
JF Roch, K Vigneron, P Grelu, A Sinatra, JP Poizat, P Grangier
Physical review letters 78 (4), 634, 1997
Multi-gigahertz repetition-rate-selectable passive harmonic mode locking of a fiber laser
C Lecaplain, P Grelu
Optics express 21 (9), 10897-10902, 2013
論文 1–20