Rong Yang
Rong Yang
Professor of Accounting, Rochester Institute of Technology
確認したメール アドレス: saunders.rit.edu - ホームページ
Competing loyalty programs: Impact of market saturation, market share, and category expandability
Y Liu, R Yang
Journal of Marketing 73 (1), 93-108, 2009
Corporate Risk Disclosure and Audit Fee: A Text Mining Approach
R Yang, Y Yu, M Liu, K Wu
European Accounting Review, 2017
Does industry regulation matter? New evidence on audit committees and earnings management
L He, R Yang
Journal of Business Ethics 123, 573-589, 2014
Client risk management: A pecking order analysis of auditor response to upward earnings management risk
GV Krishnan, L Sun, Q Wang, R Yang
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 32 (2), 147-169, 2013
The color of shareholders' money: Institutional shareholders' political values and corporate environmental disclosure
I Kim, JW Ryou, R Yang
Journal of Corporate Finance 64, 101704, 2020
Can media deter management from manipulating earnings? Evidence from China
B Qi, R Yang, G Tian
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 42, 571-597, 2014
Performance Commitment of Controlling Shareholders and Earnings Management
G Hou, Q., Jin, Q., Yang, R., Yuan, H., & Zhang
Contemporary Accounting Research, 2015
Securities litigation and corporate tax avoidance
MP Arena, B Wang, R Yang
Journal of Corporate Finance 66, 101546, 2021
An empirical evaluation of analysts’ herding behavior following Regulation Fair Disclosure
YM Mensah, R Yang
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 27 (4), 317-338, 2008
Do social ties between individual auditors and client CEOs/CFOs matter to audit quality?
B Qi, R Yang, G Tian
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 24 (3-4), 440-463, 2017
The effect of repeat restructuring charges on analysts’ forecast revisions and accuracy
B Lin, R Yang
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 27, 267-283, 2006
Does regulation fair disclosure affect analysts’ forecast performance? The case of restructuring firms
B Lin, R Yang
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 38, 495-517, 2012
Government intervention and institutional trading strategy: Evidence from a transition country
Y Yao, R Yang, Z Liu, I Hasan
Global Finance Journal 24 (1), 44-68, 2013
Can Enforcement Actions on Engagement Auditors Improve Audit Quality?
B Qi, L Li, A Robin, R Yang
Available at SSRN 2549041, 2020
Restructure the Accounting Rules for Restructuring Charges? IFRS vs. US GAAP.
B Lin, R Yang
CPA Journal, 2012
The effect of the SEC's regulation fair disclosure on analyst forecast attributes
R Yang, YM Mensah
Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 14 (2), 192-209, 2006
The SOX 404 control audit and the effectiveness of additional audit effort in lowering the risk of financial misstatements
C Li, KK Raman, L Sun, R Yang
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 54, 981-1009, 2020
What determines the variation in relative performance evaluation usage across US industries?
J J. Cordeiro, R Yang, D Donald Kent Jr, C Callahan III
Management Research Review 37 (5), 502-514, 2014
The Timeliness of Market Reactions to Regulation Fair Disclosure.
R Yang, Y Mensah
Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy, 2006
Deposit insurance and discretion in loan loss provisioning
L Pugachev, A Robin, D Wang, R Yang
Available at SSRN 4875522, 2024
論文 1–20