Yu Fan Chen
Yu Fan Chen
確認したメール アドレス: mit.edu
Socially aware motion planning with deep reinforcement learning
YF Chen, M Everett, M Liu, JP How
2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2017
Decentralized non-communicating multiagent collision avoidance with deep reinforcement learning
YF Chen, M Liu, M Everett, JP How
2017 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 285-292, 2017
Motion planning among dynamic, decision-making agents with deep reinforcement learning
M Everett, YF Chen, JP How
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2018
Duckietown: an open, inexpensive and flexible platform for autonomy education and research
L Paull, J Tani, H Ahn, J Alonso-Mora, L Carlone, M Cap, YF Chen, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1497-1504, 2017
Collision avoidance in pedestrian-rich environments with deep reinforcement learning
M Everett, YF Chen, JP How
Ieee Access 9, 10357-10377, 2021
Decoupled multiagent path planning via incremental sequential convex programming
Y Chen, M Cutler, JP How
2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5954-5961, 2015
Motion planning with diffusion maps
YF Chen, SY Liu, M Liu, J Miller, JP How
2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2016
Mar-cps: Measurable augmented reality for prototyping cyber-physical systems
S Omidshafiei, AA Agha-Mohammadi, YF Chen, NK Üre, JP How, JL Vian, ...
AIAA Infotech@ Aerospace, 0643, 2015
Augmented dictionary learning for motion prediction
YF Chen, M Liu, JP How
2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2527-2534, 2016
Measurable augmented reality for prototyping cyberphysical systems: A robotics platform to aid the hardware prototyping and performance testing of algorithms
S Omidshafiei, AA Agha-Mohammadi, YF Chen, NK Ure, SY Liu, ...
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 36 (6), 65-87, 2016
Predictive modeling of pedestrian motion patterns with bayesian nonparametrics
Y Chen, M Liu, SY Liu, J Miller, JP How
AIAA guidance, navigation, and control conference, 1861, 2016
Planning for large-scale multiagent problems via hierarchical decomposition with applications to UAV health management
YF Chen, NK Ure, G Chowdhary, JP How, J Vian
2014 American Control Conference, 1279-1285, 2014
Distributed Learning for Planning Under Uncertainty Problems with Heterogeneous Teams: Scaling Up the Multiagent Planning with Distributed Learning and Approximate Representations
NK Ure, G Chowdhary, YF Chen, JP How, J Vian
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 74, 529-544, 2014
Decentralized learning-based planning for multiagent missions in the presence of actuator failures
NK Ure, G Chowdhary, YF Chen, M Cutler, JP How, J Vian
2013 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 1125-1134, 2013
Health-aware decentralized planning and learning for large-scale multiagent missions
NK Ure, G Chowdhary, YF Chen, JP How, J Vian
Conference on Guidance Navigation and Control,(Washington DC), AIAA, 2013
Distributed Learning for Large-Scale Planning Under Uncertainty Problems with Heterogeneous Teams
NK Üre, G Chowdhary, YF Chen, JP How, JL Vian
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC) Conference, 4998, 2013
2016 Index IEEE Control Systems Vol. 36
A Agha-Mohammadi, N Ahmed, M Akbulut, M Arias-Montiel, E Atam, ...
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 36 (6), 1, 2016
Communicating Multi-agent Collision Avoidance with Deep Reinforcement Learning
YF Chen, M Liu, M Everett
論文 1–18