Kunhwi Kim
Kunhwi Kim
確認したメール アドレス: lbl.gov - ホームページ
Modeling of fiber-reinforced cement composites: Discrete representation of fiber pullout
J Kang, K Kim, YM Lim, JE Bolander
International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (10), 1970-1979, 2014
Elastically-homogeneous lattice models of damage in geomaterials
D Asahina, K Aoyagi, K Kim, JT Birkholzer, JE Bolander
Computers and Geotechnics 81, 195-206, 2017
Simulation of rate dependent fracture in concrete using an irregular lattice model
K Kim, YM Lim
Cement and Concrete Composites 33 (9), 949-955, 2011
Failure simulation of RC structures under highly dynamic conditions using random lattice models
K Kim, JE Bolander, YM Lim
Computers & Structures 125, 127-136, 2013
TOUGH–RBSN simulator for hydraulic fracture propagation within fractured media: Model validations against laboratory experiments
K Kim, J Rutqvist, S Nakagawa, J Birkholzer
Computers & Geosciences 108, 72-85, 2017
An introduction to the EGS Collab Project
P Dobson, TJ Kneafsey, D Blankenship, C Valladao, J Morris, H Knox, ...
GRC Transactions 41, 837-849, 2017
Modelling advective gas flow in compact bentonite: Lessons learnt from different numerical approaches
E Tamayo-Mas, JF Harrington, T Brüning, H Shao, EE Dagher, J Lee, ...
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 139, 104580, 2021
Lattice modeling of excavation damage in argillaceous clay formations: Influence of deformation and strength anisotropy
K Kim, J Rutqvist, J Birkholzer
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 98, 103196, 2020
Discrete dilatant pathway modeling of gas migration through compacted bentonite clay
K Kim, J Rutqvist, JF Harrington, E Tamayo-Mas, JT Birkholzer
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 137, 104569, 2021
Modeling of CO2 sequestration in coal seams: Role of CO2‐induced coal softening on injectivity, storage efficiency and caprock deformation
T Ma, J Rutqvist, W Liu, L Zhu, K Kim
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 7 (3), 562-578, 2017
Evaluation of used fuel disposition in clay-bearing rock
CF Jové Colón, PF Weck, DH Sassani, L Zheng, J Rutqvist, CI Steefel, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2014
Numerical modeling of seismic and displacement-based monitoring for the EGS Collab Project
L Huang, Y Chen, K Gao, P Fu, J Morris, J Ajo-Franklin, S Nakagawa
GRC Transactions 41, 893-909, 2017
Strengthening effects of DFRCC layers applied to RC flexural members
SK Shin, K Kim, YM Lim
Cement and Concrete Composites 33 (2), 328-333, 2011
The role of numerical simulation in the design of stimulation and circulation experiments for the EGS Collab project
M White, P Fu, H Huang, A Ghassemi
GRC Transactions 41, 2017, 2017
DR Argillite Disposal R&D at LBNL
L Zheng, K Kim, H Xu, J Rutqvist
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.(LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States), 2016
Investigation of coupled processes and impact of high temperature limits in argillite rock
L Zheng, J Rutqvist, C Steefel, K Kim, F Chen, V Vilarrasa, S Nakagawa, ...
Numerical modelling of gas flow in a compact clay barrier for DECOVALEX-2019
E Tamayo-Mas, J Harrington, H Shao, E Dagher, J Lee, K Kim, J Rutqvist, ...
ARMA International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference …, 2018
Flow field calculations within discrete models of multiphase materials
D Asahina, K Kim, Z Li, JE Bolander
Composites Part B: Engineering 58, 293-302, 2014
Simulation of material failure behavior under different loading rates using molecular dynamics
K Kim, J Lim, J Kim, YM Lim
Structural Engineering and Mechanics 30 (2), 177-190, 2008
Using in-situ strain measurements to evaluate the accuracy of stress estimation procedures from fracture injection/shut-in tests
Y Guglielmi, M McClure, J Burghardt, JP Morris, T Doe, P Fu, H Knox, ...
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 170, 105521, 2023
論文 1–20